Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, June 18, 2020

The heart monitor

Just to remember...Thursday June 18, 2020   
93th Day of Spring, 97th Day of Social Distancing, 28th Day of Phase 2, Safer at Home (North Carolina)

Well I've had nurses put those sticky leads on me, and wires going into a machine for EKG's several times in the last month.

But with my shortness of breath just walking around, I've been designated a candidate for a portable heart monitor here at home. It will be part of my life for nine days. I think I'm supposed to tell it if I feel any kind of "event." So far I've just fixed breakfast.

I've not done much of anything last weekend. No real reason. I just am letting myself lie in bed and read my books on the iPad...library digital books. It's been easy in bed to put on the C-Pap too, so I am breathing filtered air which doesn't really seem to help with my cough. The minute I lie down, I start coughing. So that usually happens for a while. Then I settle in and can read for a half hour or so without much interruption. (Coughing is a normal symptom of Bronchiectasis, which doesn't seem to have any cure.)

I don't have a really comfortable chair to sit back in to read...with the exception of the love-seat which is my favorite place from which I watch TV. It's not that great for reading. I think because I tilt back a bit, with my head bent forward. I can't sit very long in that position. Now sitting upright at the computer, my main fault is bending my neck forward till my back and shoulders complain!

Anyway...I'm still getting used to having a little monitor hanging off my front...with a phone that reminds me periodically to check leads.  Oops, it just called me.

I slept ok, but had an hour or so interrupted sleep (which sometimes happens.) With the cool weather (not above 60 today) I turned the heat on. It's also to help keep the humidity down.

I'm sitting here eating my oatmeal with blueberries this morning. Hope you have a great day.

Today's quote:

It is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence. -William Kingdon Clifford, mathematician and philosopher (4 May 1845-1879)


  1. ...been there, done that many times!

    1. I'm so glad to hear you have gone through all this and come out so well! It's cheering me on!

  2. Hello, I have neck pain from reading my kindle. I try propping up pillows under my neck and under the kindle, just can't get comfy. I hope you are doing well and the monitor helps. Have a great day!

    1. It's a strange life we lead, reading digital stuff! But they do weigh less than a 500 page book ever did! Have a good day, Eileen.

  3. I also had oatmeal with blueberries this morning with plenty of bran added.

    In my easy chair, I have a sock filled with another rock. It is just enough to give me a little neck support.

    1. I think I prefer the blueberries with yogurt...they were so tart. Probably because I like honey in the oatmeal. Today I'll try them with granola and milk. I like the idea of a rock/sock neck support!

  4. Roger just did a heart monitor thing a few weeks ago. All worked out okay, and we hope the same is true for you. Take care there.

    1. Thanks. I received a call today that after the first 3 days I don't have atrial fib. But they want me to keep wearing it anyway. I keep forgetting to take the little phone with me when I go places...oops.

  5. Had to do this a couple of times, difficult to sleep with it but better safe than sorry.
    Just see it as an exercise in good care taking for yourself and pat yourself ion the back when you're done.

    1. Oh I can't wait till I'm done...thanks for giving me that goal to look forward to!

  6. I use a small pillow to relax my neck when I read, it seems to work.
    I had blueberries in my shredded wheat this morning. I love blueberries!

    1. I love my small pillow on top of the two bed pillows when reading lying down...and I had granola with blueberries today!


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