Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Shaggy Dogs and Summer Soltice

An old sepia toned photo... (while trying to compose this on June 12, blogger stopped allowing me to download my photos in the "Compose" editing style, so I had to figure out all the HTML stuff and swore a few dozen times.)

I admit this is within a year old, and as those bluejeans show, it's just edited to look a bit sepia. Not a true sepia photo. But, when shaggy dogs come to mind, Cody is who we have to share. Cody is the grand-dog in my Ohio family shown here with granddaughters!

And here's the star of the family in a portrait.

OK, I'll look for some older shaggy dog photos.

Below may I introduce my son's friend, Barry and his dog, Lucia, with my son Marty on the right. They were attending a Renaissance Fair in the Tampa FL area in 2018. Since that time, Barry has obtained a puppy to keep Lucia company. I want to say some kind of Sheep Dog? Please correct me if I'm wrong. 
(Thanks, Eileen, Burmese Mountain Dogs sounds about right.)

And here's my daughter-in-law, Barbara with the two pups (who really belong to Barry)

Love of a shaggy dog from Sepia Saturday this week.
And sharing with Saturday's Critters too this week!

And another of my grand-dogs...here's one that's not exactly shaggy...Zora. She's a Blue Tick living in Colorado, where I visited in 2019.

And happy Summer Solstice to all my pagan buddies! Just the longest day of the year, my friends!

Today's quote:
I never lose sight of the fact that just being is fun. 
-Katharine Hepburn, actress (12 May 1907-2003)


  1. Replies
    1. And to you as well...you're up before the sun (at least at my latitude!)

  2. Hello,

    Happy Solstice to you! The dogs look like the Bernese Mountain dogs, they are pretty. I love all the dogs, cute photos. Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

    1. Thanks for identifying the dogs. They are sure pretty, but I've never had the pleasure.

  3. ...and now we are approaching the dog days of summer!

    1. I think of August when dog days of summer will arrive. Not looking forward to them!

  4. Hello,
    I love all your cute dogs and the photos. Hugs for all the pups! Thank you so much for linking up your post. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for the visit and comment too.

    1. It's my first Saturday critters! Just was reading yours and slapped my forehead!

  5. The dogs are cute and great photos are. I wish you a nice solstice celebration!

    1. Ah, now you've challenged me to do something to celebrate.

  6. HAPPY MIDSUMMER TO YOU, TOO! Cody is cute, but your granddaughters are beautiful! :)

  7. What a bunch of cute dogs, nice photos and a Happy Solstice to you!

  8. Blogger photo upload has been very unpredictable lately in my experiences as in yours. I've found that if I wait a while it restores itself, except in the new interface on the iPad which has not worked for me so far. I'm hoping they will debug it all soon.

    Nice photos!

    be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  9. Quite a nice selection of dogs. My family doesn't seem to have taken many photos of our dogs.

  10. sweet shots of the girls and dogs. :)

  11. Your "Blue Tick" looks like what we would call a "Blue Heeler" which is an Australian Cattle dog. Great photos.

  12. Cute dogs! I can hardly believe it is the solstice already. Time flies even when you're not having fun.

  13. Hello. All those dogs look so happy. They are cute.

  14. Oh my - Barbara’s pups look like they could drag her quite a distance! Pretty coloring on those dogs too.

  15. Happy Solstice to you as well! Such a variety of grand-dogs and all so handsome. Great matches for the prompt.

  16. A lovely selection of family pets and family memories, but I especially like the photograph of your three granddaughters.


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