Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, June 1, 2020

Graduation in 2020

With close to 2000 graduates, the Liberty High School "Oletnangy" had a car line up, where a few students were dropped by their parents before the first tent.

 Their names were announced, then they walked to the second tent where they received their diploma, then stood next to the principal and smiled for the cameras. By then their parents could have driven up in time to see them get the diploma. Then the student walked down a ways and parents picked them up again.

 But when was my granddaughter going to be called? It apparently wasn't in alphabetical order. And there weren't any speeches to listen to, just the unending loop of the processional.

 When I finally heard Audrey Heym's name called, I tried to get my phone camera to video record, but noticed it wasn't working, so played with the buttons till it did.

And so I got just a short burst of her graduation.

Congratulations to a wonderful young woman who has achieved a lot in her scholastic and athletic endeavors.

I know her parents, sisters, cousins, other grandparents and I are extremely proud of her!


  1. ...Congratulations and what a creative way to have graduation!

    1. THey sure put a lot of effort into it. I felt sorry for the Principal who would have to stand and smile all day.

  2. How big is the school to have 2000 graduates?

  3. Congrats to your granddaughter! Have a happy day!

  4. Concratulations to all! And what a good way to manage a distanced ceremony.

  5. Oh, schools have gotten so creative this year! Congratulations to all!


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