Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Memphis and then...

 A rather dramatic sunset on our first evening on the road...in western Tennessee

 We were on the bridge, or it's approach, when we saw this strange building in Memphis TN.

 And the bridge goes over the Mississippi River.

 It was a great moment for me, since I haven't been west of the Mississippi for 14 years.

 Sorry for the blur, we're blaming it on Arkansas

 The sign even was a blur.

 Once we were over the bridge, there were no more towns, just many fields.  We stayed here, and the clerk told us these were rice fields, and there were a lot of mosquitoes, so we would need to close our doors quickly.

 Right next door was this quaint building by the campground.

We headed for Little Rock, but didn't see a bit of it because the interstate highway took us around the town.  On Tuesday we drove from just west of Memphis in this no-place in the rice fields, through all of Arkansas and most of Oklahoma! My friend dealt with driving through many thunder storms during Tuesday! Then we finally got sunshine and stopped for the night...I've got a few more photos of that chapter to show you later.

Today's Quote:
We are in a co-creative relationship with the universe, connected to an infinite supply. Madisyn Taylor Daily Om


  1. ...you are into territory that I've never seen.

  2. I love going on a road trip. But sadly, I do not have a willing road trip companion any more, they keep dying!!!!!

  3. I haven't driven across country since the 1980s. You're traveling the highway I took on my first trip west from New Jersey. What a grand thing it is to see it again. Love crossing the Mississippi. Looking forward to more photos!

  4. I remember that bridge. I hate bridges. Anyways, have fun in Santa Fe!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.