Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Sepia Saturday post

I'd like you to meet Cody. He is one of my "grand-dogs." His owners are my son and his wife, and their three daughters.  I think they all are more or less in love with him.

I haven't the time to find my other grand-dog photos...nor those of my friends.  I am so glad that they have dogs in their lives.  But honestly, I'm a cat person.

And how I know it is how uncomfortable I felt a few weeks ago, when walking along with a friend (person style, 2 legged) who would stop and pet each dog that came along...and talk with the owner! It happened so frequently, though I know she missed her own dog who was back home while the owner visited me, I did say something about how dog persons seem to stick together.

And then I noticed another friend who I walk with frequently, stops her own walk to say "Look at that." She acts like a dog herself, always finding something interesting to stop and look at, just as if it was the scent of something that fascinates a dog.

So am I the only person who just wants to stroll along, and keep on going? Not that I don't mind stopping to take pictures. Maybe that's my dog interest.

Anyway, I know I'm a cat person...and can't count on just one hand how many I've had.  They don't need to be walked at all! They are so independent, much like me.  We come together in a home, share the space, give each other warmth and companionship...but then go to our separate corners.  That is I used to have a cat. I'm past that now dealing with breathing difficulties. I do miss having a little companion, but me get a dog? Not likely!

Sharing with Sepia Saturday this week.


  1. ...we have had one cat and an assortment of dogs, but none at the moment.

  2. In case you wonder how cat people enjoy their pets, here's a video about kittens doing their "thing." https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=188&v=5_nWGG_TFDM

  3. Over my lifetime I have had 9 birds (parakeets & one budgie), a white rat, a hamster, goldfish, a little turtle, 5 cats, and 2 dogs but not 'allofaonce' as my Grandma Louise used to say - although we did have 3 cats at the same time for a while. Of all of them, though, I've loved my birds the most - although one of our cats pretty much tucked her way into my heart as well. Due to some bad experiences, I've never cottoned to dogs with the exception of my husband's Irish Setter, Shoen. He had trained her so beautifully she was a joy.

  4. Is it possible to be both a cat and a dog person I wonder. I was a cat person but now I love dogs too!

  5. I am a cat person, though this little doggie is a cutie!

  6. Gail...you have sure had lots of pets. Glad to know about them.
    Alex - yes, I'm glad that whatever little one ha captured your love is just right, whether dog or cat!
    William - he sure is cute, but I never could cuddle up with him like I would have with a cat in 5 minutes.

  7. That's an interesting observation about dog people being more social than the independent cat people. Perhaps worthy of an experiment. Myself I like both dogs and cats but now have two dogs, having adopted my mom's Schnauzer to be bossed by our flat-coat retriever. For a few years we had a cockatiel who proved to have a very musical ear. Later we rescued a "wild" black bunny rabbit in the back drive, about to be a meal for our cat, an skilled hunter. "Dusty" was presumably a hybrid, but lived 8 years, forever a curious but inscrutable creature that had no fear of the cat or the dog.

  8. Your “grand-dog” is a beauty!

  9. Mike, I actually find myself wondering what it would be like to have a little dog these days! Heavens! And even a bird comes into my mind every once in a while. I'll do ok if I can just keep the fish alive for now. Glad to hear about the little bunny you befriended.
    Sue - thanks for stopping by! I enjoy reading your blogs!

  10. This dog is pretty darn cute! However, my dad used to say, "Having a dog is like having a child that never grows up." Needless to say, he was more of a cat person and that's mostly what we had growing up. With five children in our household, I'm sure my parents appreciated the independence of our cats who lived their own lives and did not need as much tending.


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