Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Gorgeous colors

Celosia cristata, cockscomb flowers at Lake Tomahawk.  These 2 are outrageous.

All week we've been talking about hurricane Dorian, watching it's slow progression, the weather-people looking for that tiny window of real disaster that makes a byte of glory that will be re-run a million times.  Unfortunately there are also the poor inhabitants of the Bahamas who felt the disaster...and they will be recovering for many weeks to come...maybe years.

I feel fortunate that this storm didn't come our way. The coast of North Carolina is due to be hit later today, maybe tonight. Our first responders are going there to see if they can help.

As summer winds down (say wind like winding up or down a handle) the pool had its last day of fun on Labor Day.  It makes no difference in my life.  No, that's not true. I'm grateful to be able to find a parking place at lunchtime since families aren't going to the pool at Lakeview Center.  

I had my birthday the week before Labor Day, and my youngest son had his yesterday.  He was a bit disappointed that his 40th didn't have a big party. I can understand his feeling.  My 75 went by without much fan fare.  Our family came together for my 70th. And this year marked 2 people's 80th birthdays.  That's quite enough.

OK, those are my thoughts this morning.  I wish you a happy day...in all the choices of what kind of day to have, that seems best.

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