Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, March 15, 2019

Who is dancing?

I went back just a few years, looking for any dancer photos.  Ah, there are weekly concerts by Lake Tomahawk each summer, and I did capture a few friends and neighbors. Mostly they were listening, but I have seen these lovely ladies get up and sway to the music. And since it's on grass, swaying might be the safest way to "cut a rug."

 For much of the evening, young people did their own movements, cart wheels, hand stands, or perhaps just navel gazing while wearing a yellow shirt and sitting in the dirt...

 But this couple was brave enough to get up and dance in front of the crowd.

 As were these lovely ladies

 The concerts are often a lot more crowded than this one was...and there are usually a lot more dancers.  Now I know what I'll be taking photos of next summer.

Linking to Sepia Saturday this week.


  1. Hats off to the brave couple for showing the younger folks how it's done. Great photos and it looks like a good time was had by all no matter how they were interpreting the tunes!

  2. Wide open grass fields always seem to urge the young into attempting somersaults and cartwheels and handstands and headstands and any other variety of tumbling moves . . . or maybe just to eat it like that last little urchin appears to be doing. Nice post with fun pix! In the summer when my daughter's band rehearsals take them to a local park bandstand where they play mini concerts the first half of their rehearsals, folks will often get up and dance - especially to the more lively numbers. Lots of fun.

  3. The more formal dances are lost on the younger generation. The current level of pop music isn't even designed for a specific dance style. Two steps, three steps, etc. are foreign concepts to most folks now.

  4. As Mike points out, formal dancing is becoming a lost art and it's a pity.

  5. These photos remind me of an outdoors concert at Kure Beach, NC a couple summers ago. Everyone brought chairs or blankets and their own snacks. It seems they had (or still have) a hula hoop group that hooped to the music and had a grand ol' time. They were as entertaining as the music!

  6. I always enjoy watching the "older" couples who get out there and enjoy themselves and show how it's done! Too bad more people don't just dance - even if they don't have skills. Moving to the music is good for the soul.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.