Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Look deep within - another? Myself?

The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them  
Elizabeth Gilbert

I guess I spend much more time being introspective than I do looking into the depths of others.
(Blogger is giving me the exercise to rewrite the whole blog if I want it to be legible...it is posting everything in smallest type face...and won't let me change it.) To continue...

But I think I'm missing a lot that way. So for the next 24 hours I am going to ask others questions about themselvces.  I am going to spend more time focused upon others than myself.
That may not come naturally to me.  I had admitted to being an introvert, to enjoying my own company.  I get my energy from my alone time, when reading, writing, looking things up for various research projects, being in nature...and don't put that much of my energy into getting into the depths of my friends (though I have had some great conversations at times.)
So be warned, fellow people sharing space in my neck of the woods. I'm coming to find the jewels that you have hidden deep within you.
Do you want me to? See, my first thought is, how invasive that would be.
But perhaps I can do it with a spirit of exploration that will benefit us both.
What do you think?
If you are reading this, please reply about yourself, just a glimpse that will let me know something of that worth that I am willing to search out.  What I imagine you're thinking is, whow this is very private! How dare that person that I barely am acuainted with ask such a thing?
Well, that's my introverted persona thinking that.  If you think differently, perhaps you would share that, say, you love Jeopardy. Or perhaps you might want to focus on your love of nature.
I sometimes have really nice comments here on blogger, saying that you have similar interests, or find answers to similar quests.  
I feel very much like a "Sheldon on Big Bang Theory."

How does your life work?

What's of most value to you?

Thanks for at least reading so far.  And think about what you might answer...

1 comment:

  1. Just waited an hour for free tax prep at the library, only to learn they probably wouldn't get to me before they close at 4...so I have taken the option to come back next week, earlier, and get through. AARP sponsors this service which I've used ever since I retired here. It was neat to see several friends and talk with them...not in depth, but just casual talk. They all are jewels.


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