Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Using the tools in my toolbox


Thank you dear blog friends for your supportive comments yesterday. It means a lot to me to have a virtual team here rooting for me...as I feel the same toward all of you.

So I went to physical therapy today, and realized as I left home, that I was supposed to be there at that time, rather than leaving at that time. I rushed as much as I could but still was about 10 minutes late.

I usually give myself mental cues, and if I'm busy on the computer, I even set alarms to let me know I need to get ready, or leave.

But not today. I was late for the first time to PT and I felt really bad. 

But somehow I had confused the time of 10:20 to 10:40 that the appointment was. Now this was after I'd already known I had arrived late.

So my dear defense system said, well we thought we were not supposed to be here till 10:40.

Steve (the PT) said we never meet at 10:40, he does appointments only at 10:20.

I just shook my head.

As I walked to the car I thought, I'm not using the tools in my own toolbox. I know how to live a better life than I currently am. It's not just physical debilitation from breath problems...it's emotionally not getting better than I am at my worst.

So...that's the therapist Bingo above. And all the little tricks I can come up with...to get myself out of the slump. I often say, "this is the COPD/bronchiectasis causing this." But hey, I'm a whole being, put together of all these pieces and my emotional life is kind of still in a slump.

Helping others more and more. Telling them I'm not making much progress. Knowing the PT won't cure the curve of my back, but at least I can learn some core muscles to help, and can stretch my arms over my head again. So I have the pros helping me. Time to help meself.

Now I need to kick ass to this person Barbara!

Oh oh, I just remembered something from long ago body work, deep tissue work, Rolfing...my emotions are also carried in my body. So this work on posture may well be releasing these feelings. 

Whoo hoo. An ah-ha moment.


  1. ...make this an outrageously happy day.

  2. I am glad the PT is helping some. I have used the alarm on my phone to remind me of things I need to be doing.
    Be happy, today and always! Take care, enjoy your day.

    1. Yes, that's what I do, mosst of the time anyway!

  3. I was four minutes late for a dental appointment yesterday and I felt bad about it. I even set my alarm clock and posted a note to remind me, but getting ready always takes extra time now that I have a dog. He always needs something at the last minute. I don’t think anyone noticed that I was late.

  4. I always have to wait to see dentist in the waiting room, so that sure wouldn't make any difference! I also have a friend whose dog does some mischief so she's often late. I can understand.

  5. Oh yes, what eileen said. I have Siri, Alexa and Google calendar.

    1. Alexa helped me to remember to get up at 6:45 today to put the recycling out bc they come so darn early. I put it out at night usually, but it was so darn windy that I didn't want our cans and bottles frolicking about the neighbourhood last night.

    2. Wow, you've got a lot of little techno helpers there! I'm gathering my recyclables today, which only is picked up every other week. Somehow I have enough empty gallon water bottles to float a boat. Garbage is also picked up tomorrow morning. It's cold out again today, due to freeze tonight! But the sunshine gives false hope.

  6. It is tricky keeping organized. I hear your cries! I get up to do something and forget about it. It really is crazy. Forgive yourself. You are human. You are a beautiful person!
    BTW – we've lived here since Sept. 2010.

  7. Oh thanks for answering my question. And a big thanks for your supportive words. I was doing ok until the next day's fiasco with the charge by the paper from my bank. Lost it for sure then!


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