Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, December 4, 2023

The greatest reason to do weight exercises

You probably don't have a trainer, or an expert on body mechanics like a physical therapist does. 

 Experts say 'there are four types of exercises we should all be getting to help us stay active: endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility'

I sure don't do enough. And then there's - Weight training.

Whatever you call them...they make your muscles work.

Here's a great book, with a lot more information besides this that I've clipped today for my women friends past menopause,,,aka 'crones,' those who no longer have estrogen helping their bones have lots of calcium.

I've enjoyed each chapter, and it's got so many references, I have two bookmarks going, one for the chapter I'm reading, one for that chapter's notes. Serious references, but also interesting comments about the references.

Ardi is a skeleton which represents a step toward homo-sapiens in evolutaion.

I I'm glad she includes the average US woman because I'm 5' 5" and weigh 170 pounds...but consider myself over weight! This was very nice news! The footnote considers women in UK and Canada and France too.

Older women are encouraged to...

Tugging encourages the anchors of muscles to bones to ADD MORE CALCIUM, STRENGTHENING THE BONE.  A simple way to counteract the dangers of osteoporosis!

And some of the good notes about this bone/muscle calcium growth.

This has been my bedtime reading for the last month. I love that it's scientifically based, but written in a light vocabulary, sometimes humorous. I still have to look up some words.


And the other night (having read much further by now in the book) I was reading about intelligence and tests to determine it. Then today I had a video pop up from Emergence Magazine (this was Sunday) about an interview with James Bridle, who wrote "Ways of Being." 

The discussion focused on intelligence that was not necessarily human...nor Artificial Intelligence. I was intrigued, then had to go to church (a musical performance with 5 spiritual messages, but on the way home the public radio station was talking about the recent A.I. CEO who was fired, then rehired, and the issues of working on A.I. So all during this time my brain was delightfully playing with all other kinds of intelligence.

After all, A. I. is not only human based, it's binary. Just ask any Buddhist about duality. Just step off that conveyor belt of either/or ways of looking at things... 


Another blog post today is also about this book. I've deleted my comment, because not everyone will see it...so here's her link.  Check out Interim Arrangements. 

She's talking about language as when we became human.


And A GREAT RESOURCE: NY Public Library Digital Collections


No more quotes today, but here's a pic.

While waiting for dentist the other day, I saw this bottle. OK, I asked the assistant, can you just spray that in my mouth and kill all the cavities? She said, no, it's just for cleaning the equipment. Phooey!


  1. Hello,
    I try to do some weight exercise, but I do not stick to a routine. It would be nice if the dentist had something to cover our teeth and keep them safe from cavities. Take care, have a great week!

    1. I have soup cans to use, or those thera-bands. Just need to get myself into a new habit. I've got some new things happening now, so will gradually do each one and hope it sticks!

  2. ...you don't need to brush all of your teeth, just the one you want to keep.

    1. Awe shucks...you want to see my gummy smile, don't cha!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I wanted to comment on this right after reading but then time and its finniky demands intervened. We both got excited about the same book at the same time! Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog today.

    1. It's great to find such a good book, and to know you're also enjoying it! My comments were there after I made them on your blog, then they disappeared, so I figured I'd done some no-no to blog rules. Glad you got them after all!

  5. I have 12 lb. weights I use. They keep my arms in shape. I do so much with the axe and shovels, but infrequently. They keep me sharp. Good reading. I am 5'4" and well over 170, to my great shame.


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