Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, October 13, 2023

Local Climate change editorial

I very very seldom read the editorials in our newspaper (Asheville Citizen-Times). I recently re-subscribed to it, as an alternative to the evening 20 min. of local news (?) on TV. 

But here's an interesting quote about another person...who I dare say would be in favor of it's being posted.

To survive climate change we are going to need each other

Bill McKibben (well-known author and climate change activist) was asked this question by a concerned citizen: 'Where is the best place to live to survive the coming perils of climate change?' I was positive that McKibben was going to say Western North Carolina. However, his answer surprised me and everyone else. He said you need to live in community with good neighbors.

He explained that the future climate we will live in is going to produce a significant uptick in the number and power of natural disasters like droughts, floods, hurricanes, wildfires and insect-borne diseases. During those disasters, the first to provide comfort, shelter, food, water and medical attention will be your neighbors. The local and federal governments and aid organizations will follow. Your very life may be saved by the neighbor next door. That answer makes perfect sense, and we have witnessed this truth many times.

The Great Evil that Trump has perpetuated on this country is to divide us into warring, sometimes violent tribes. The images of Jan. 6 and the numerous physical threats to anyone that holds Trump accountable are shocking. Trump’s goal is to regain power and seek revenge on his enemies (death to some).

I urge all Republicans and Democrats that love democracy and desire to live in community to reject the notion we are better off hating the other tribe. To survive climate change we are going to need each other. The solution is more than driving EVs or installing solar panels.

Carl Franklin, Black Mountain

Dated Oct. 11, 2023


And though the author lives in the same small community as myself (Black Mountain NC) I do not know him.

However lots of my social justice people do know him...so I've got a second hand connection I guess.


  1. Comforting words, I suppose, but when the boat goes down we all perish - having a friendly hand to hold might help for a few seconds.

    1. Yes, and making the boats which might be safe for a bit longer.

  2. ...I have read that a number of people have moved to the Adirondack because of climate change.

  3. It would be nice if everyone in the neighborhood felt the same, I see signs in my area that say Be Kind and All lives Matter. I have hope! Have a great day and a wonderful weekend!

    1. That's really nice to have some good signs out there in your neighborhood. Remember when politics didn't divide us with hate?

  4. Excellent. I was reminded of the time when my daughter shortly after the birth of her child, my grandchild, asked her family and friends for advice on raising a child in these times of climate change and the answers all were along these lines. Teach them how to live communally, about stewardship of the land we live on, and about sharing.

    1. What a wise young woman, your daughter is, to have asked that question of the older folks around her. But this is new to them too. I do think that was good advice!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.