Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, October 9, 2023

Last week's NPR Climate Change Week

 'In her introduction to the series, NPR’s climate solutions reporter, Julia Simon, said: “I know that things are bad right now. But what if we reframe the conversation? With climate change, it’s not like this is a meteor hurtling toward Earth and there’s nothing we can do about it. Humans are driving global warming. And that means we humans can find solutions to change our trajectory.” '

Thanks Katharine Hayhoe in her weekly newsletter with the good and the bad news regarding climate change. And her Inspiration of the month...

My inspiration this month is Bill Weihl and the fantastic work he has been doing in the face of considerable challenges. I first met Bill at COP21, in Paris, when he was the sustainability director at Facebook. There, he convinced the city to allow him to project climate-friendly messages on the Eiffel Tower to support the climate negotiations that led to the Paris Agreement. Bill went on to found ClimateVoice, an organization that helps business employees speak up about climate action and catalyze change at their organizations.

And it's Indigenous People's Day today!

Charley Bulletts, Kaibab band of Paiutes in Bryce Canyon, unknown photographer


  1. I am hoping humans can find a solution! Love the photo! Take care, have a wonderful new week!

    1. Well, it's interesting that when considering our circles of friends, who mostly think like us, and probably vote like us, they are calling themselves "tribes."

  2. ...I'm glad that it isn't Columbus Day.

    1. I'm sure those of Italian descent are torn between the two groups being honored!

  3. Hi Barbara, There is nothing wrong with celebrating Columbus Day with its good and bad outcomes. It is part of history, positive from the European viewpoint. I love the idea that Indigenous Peoples Day is celebrated at the same time. Columbus Day is a real negative for our Native Americans. The fact is that the history of the world is a story of one group conquering another group, frequently killing many and seizing their lands and subjugating them. It's not a pretty story and it does need to be told from both viewpoints. Today we have the Israelis vs Hamas and the Palestinians, the Kurds vs Turkey and others, Ukraine vs Russia, the Uygurs in China, Indigenous peoples in South America...and more. Man can be brutal...creative...and compassionate too. It would be fabulous if all this strife were to stop, but I'm not holding my breath. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  4. I hope we can get it right. Many people have tried long and hard to educate people.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.