Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Robertson Work

Have you noticed lately how many avenues I've been posting about this man's ideas? 

I'm in the middle of reading this.

It's a library copy, and once again I'm pretty sure I'll want to buy my own copy. The only other time that's happened was with Braiding Sweetgrass. I want to mark it up with my reactions!

They do have a lot in common.

So today I took a photo of a page that I want to be sure to remember, and have it to look back upon (actually 1-1/2 pages, 57-58).

Oh, yes, I voted yesterday! If you live in the USA, please tell me you have or will vote by Nov 8!! Our democratic governance depends on it, (vs. autocratic.)


  1. What kind of works will our grandchildren live in?

    1. My guess is they aren't thinking about it, more than many of us are. But some wise people are, like Robertson.

  2. Great information, always good to e prepared. I am praying that our election goes smoothly, no battles. I mailed in my vote and received an email that is has been counted. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. It's probably impossible to be prepared totally, especially if things happen quickly. Who knows...I doubt I will be around still.

  3. Our election was a municipal election.

  4. All good suggestions. And part of why we chose to move to NC almost fifty years ago.

    1. Me too, I remember a phone conversation when I moved here, saying I expected we would still have clean water in the mountains no matter what happened in cities.

  5. I already voted. You asked about Charlie and he did okay in daycare, at least that’s what they said. There was a delay when I picked him up because a young woman had to chase him around to corral him.

    1. Oops...I wondered if he was in a cage again...but it sounds like he was free to run! Tee hee. Maybe two people might do better next time. Yay for us early voters!!

  6. Barbara, We have never failed to vote... Unfortunately, too many people vote who don't know anything about the world, climate, politics, or much else. They vote the way they do because that's what they've always done or because they are simply voting for whomever is most likely to deliver whatever their immediate needs are...no long term vision. The things to do list in preparation for the future is a large part of why we moved to East Tennessee. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. I sure support your stance about knowing who you're voting for! Yes these Appalachians have been here for Eons, and probably will continue, no matter what politicians do.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.