Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Remembering Ancestors

  Morning once a week I take the trash out. We only have pick-up once a week, and with bears loving our garbage, this system means I keep most of my trash in the apartment till Thurs. early. I also can only send out recyclables every other week. It sure makes me think of how much trash I bring home!

At the bottom of the hill, someone put lots of interesting things to be hauled away. With a phone appointment the trash people will take "household" trash like furniture. Not sure what the red and gold fabric was, but I got a kick out of this selection.

So this morning I bundled up for 40 degrees, and took my one bag out. I'm taking out some of the "wet garbage" during the week for the bear-proof bins. And as I came back down the walk, the sun was just hitting the tree tops above me. Their brilliant orange, yellow and even browns and dark reds just made me so  grateful to be alive at this day, on this wonderful turning earth of ours.

My thoughts immediately went to thinking of the original indigenous settlers to this region. I thought how a woman clothed in skins of animals would be bringing a fire to light in order to fix something to feed her family, or at least to warm her hands. And then I thought of how  that car which drove by showed that I'm totally dependent on fossil fuels. And I'm so grateful for the electricity which the ancient plants and animals have brought to my life...my coffee pot was perking as I came in my door. I took off my coat and hat because my home was heated by electricity also.

But I won't forget that glimpse of sunshine on those wonderful leaves of fall, which linked me to an ancestor who I imagined was looking at the same view while blowing on her wood fire.

Oct 27, Midland Ave yard Black Mountain, NC. Lots of acorns this year! Mast.

But seriously, this time of year has been known as one of the times the veil between the worlds is thin, so spirits of loved ones may visit us, especially in our dreams.

I'm a smart pagan (not really a wiccan) by knowing I can set wards against those who might wish me harm. No way I want to have nightmares more than I already do.

But in the last week, I've certainly had lots of visits from family members...mostly humorous, some just strange. In one I could find no other bed in the house to sleep in, just the one my father was in. I barely touched it on the far side. I really don't think I ever had any incestuous leanings toward my father. Other relations maybe not so much.

Lots of can't find my way out of some dilemma, or needing to work on something without the right materials. Ha, those do get pretty weird! Try weaving spaghetti noodles (cooked of course.)

OK, I know it is all in fun, and fortunately I had pretty good relationships with all my family (there wasn't really much of it.) A sister, mother and father, 2 grandmothers, and 1 grandfather, all of whom are gone. A few cousins and aunts who I saw very rarely. Come to think of it, they might visit out of their feeling bypassed.

I don't do an ancestor's altar...I've got pics all over the place and live among them. And our apartments have a fire regulation against candles...so I never light the ones I have.

But I'll take a photo or two to church on Sunday, when there will be an altar in honor of the ancestors. I hope that pleases them.

Incidentally I did have an ancestor who was a Spiritualist as his religion. William Lewis Booth lived a long life, and had many relations who died before him. Fortunately a few had children first. I don't know if he ever was contacted by any of them...the dearly departed, I mean.


  1. Wow, there are a lot of bears to eat all those acorns. I heard they close some trails in the Smoky Mtn NP so the bears can collect the acorns. The tree is beautiful, lovely color. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a wonderful week!

    1. Good to let the bears eat them rather than wild hogs. See I have preferences even in wild animals! Give me a bunny over a snake any day!

  2. ...Spiritualists were numerous in this area.


    1. Thanks Tom, I just looked at your blog about the Fox Sisters. I've heard other religions had their starts also in upstate NY...Mormons for instance.

  3. My family was even smaller, for I had no sibling. I only remember three grandparents and two died when I was eight, the one that I don’t remember when I was two. We only had two children, and they only had two between them, both by the one daughter.

    1. At least your genes are being carried forward, if not your name. Same happened with my whole generation of cousins, until finally one boy was born from the 4 different families.

  4. Funny, JB had a visit from his step-father last night. He never hears from his mom. They were a bit testy at the end, as she struggled living alone.
    I hear you about the bears. Mostly we worry about the coyotes and crows, though. I put garbage out Monday mornings at 8, for pickup shortly thereafter. Lots of us have to cover the wet garbage. Everyone is hungry.

    1. Do you compost the wet garbage? A bin? I'd be interested to know how (if you ever read this reply! Oh I know, I'll ask you in a comment on your own blog!!)

  5. The man whose estate I'm covering at present was a staunch Presbyterian who dabbled in spiritualism.

    1. There have been many who felt contacted by the ancestors...and whatever may have happened I feel their experiences are as good as the ones I have walking around breathing the same air.

  6. They don’t pick up our recycling at all here. Our town cannot get any contractors to bid on it. I have to drive it to a collection point, which irks me because I may be using more resources than I am saving.

    1. This is true of many places,and even when it's picked up, does someone really sort it and reuse the things that can be reused.

  7. I am a bit more fortunate as here in the mill apts we have garbage chutes which means there is no need to walk outdoors to leave off trash. There are also two "green" rooms in the 2 mill buildings for recyclables. Unfortunately, there are many people who seem to leave trash or non-recyclables there. That certainly was a lot of bears to see on the lawn. Our family is also very small and we do not get together often.

    1. It does take an education I think, to put the right trash where!


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