Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Is spring bringing some water fowl back?


Last week I was really thrilled to first hear a "vee" of Canada Geese fly by...and then just look out my window as they headed east to Lake Tomahawk. (Not shown here, didn't think I could get a photo as it was over in an instant!)

A lone little female Mallard was ducking (sorry for the pun) her head down to the shallow bottom of the lake.
Just go away and leave us alone, these two Mallards napped as long as nobody's dog interrupted them.

I think this is Mr. Mallard, who is high-tailing it towards one of the lonely females. Yes it's spring!

When I took a break in my walk, the soft mud/gravel revealed a lot of duck footprints!

A Canada Goose has a stately manner, but one hissed at me once!

The  brush has been piled up on the island...whether to encourage or discourage the Canada Geese from nesting there, I'm not sure.  One couple are swimming close to the closest rocks if you can make them out.

They were swimming away from some children or dogs that were walking along the path.

Mr. Guard Goose while the Mrs. has nibbles on spring greens next to the fence.

Today's quote:

The definition of prayer is paying careful and concentrated attention to something other than your own constructions. —W. H. Auden


  1. Hello,
    I love the view in your header and in the photos below. The lake views, geese and ducks are pretty.

    1. Good day to you Eileen. I feel much like waterfowl myself, since it's a "clouds down in the valley" kind of day.

  2. I have learned that these geese are very feisty, just from hissing at me in a threatening way. I backed off quickly, and that was that. I had just bent down too low and too close for his liking to get a photo.

    1. I've only had one move menacingly toward me. That was enough. I stay a good distance, and don't move toward them at all.

  3. The geese will be coming back in the coming weeks, but the first ones we see will only be making a stop for rest and continuing north.

    1. Ours seldom stay all summer, but there will be a few who like this environment and raise their goslings nearby, as well as Mallard ducklings.

  4. Love seeing the birds there. Sometimes hundreds of Canada geese fly over our house here in one huge flock. We love hearing them honking and honking as they go over.

    1. They sure can be noisy when they fly over...and their feathers creek too as they fly!

  5. If a goose hisses at you, keep on moving! They can be fierce when nesting. (We had some geese many years ago and they were pretty fearsome at times.

  6. That's nice to see the ducks and geese returning to the lake. Spring is in the air.

    1. And spring is fickle, with a snow forecast for this next weekend.

  7. I love walking where there is water and birds and ducks to see. I love NC too and lived there many years! Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks. I used to live in FL, and chose NC to retire...love the mountains!

  8. It's so good to see the open water! Soon for us, here!


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