Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

A moment in time...

 Good day to you!

37 here upon waking (yesterday) and due to be 67 or so this afternoon.

Another beautiful spring-ish day. I haven't done my outside walk since something started hurting in my lower back last week. Maybe today...

And the coughing spells...they've kept me home for a whole beautiful weekend.

Well that's enough. Suffice it to say that I'm not in tune with the beautiful weather. My body is misbehaving...healing.

Gratitude today for sleep. At least as much as I could last night.

And for being able to breathe for meditation period of 5-10 minutes this morning.

And for friends who check on me. I missed the equinox meet-up yesterday at a friend's house. It would have been beautiful.

Beauty? When's the last time I observed beauty? Seeing the gorgeous spring flowers all bursting out on the nearby Bradford Pear in our parking lot.

Happy? When's the last time I felt happy? I would guess the coffee date last week with friends. Why a guess? Well I'd like it to be something more eventful, more of a truly passionate moment. Yet the simple pleasures are part of my life these days.

I spied another one the other day...those ornamental pears which never have fruit work well where cars are parked!

And I found on that same drive, a sad event taking place. Our little town square is across the street from this sweet old reminder of the days when you'd have service in a service station.

 "Fill 'er up please."

My tank is empty. Going to find breakfast now.


  1. ...I love the old style gas station, we have several that are similar here too.

    1. I may have mentioned before, but further down the street going west in Black Mountain, will be a nice Thai restaurant situated in a refurbished filling station.

  2. Did I say how much I like the header? Sad that the old building is being demolished.
    Our weather is improving. Daffodils have begun to bloom.
    Stay healthy and strong!

    1. Thanks...I'll be changing it next month...but I'm glad you like imagining taking the walk along the creek to stand there where it tumbles over some boulders. glad you're finally getting some spring weather!

  3. Beauty is the best balance to everything going on these days. Thank you for sharing the beauty you see there. Take care there, Barbara.

    1. Thanks Robin...I am endeavoring to take baby steps in everything I do these days. So I may not get to the gardens, but since rain is forecast tomorrow, I'll try.

  4. That first tree is rather glorious.

    1. I'll try to get some closer views, without the cars!

  5. The old gas station is a relic these days. Hope you feel better.

    1. Thanks...I did manage the walk around the gardens...and stopped often to take photos with the phone. I ached in several new places, but told myself that I needed to strengthen them up!

    2. Barbara, Glad to hear that you're on the mend... Love those Bradford Pear blooms but I'd love them more if they weren't an invasive species. We also have redbuds and dogwoods blooming soon. The redbuds started blooming before the last cold snap so hopefully they'll still put on a show for us. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    3. I will keep an eye out for redbuds. Gotta take different routes to find different blooms. I have passed right by some hedges of forsythia. Once I'd have screeched to a halt to take their photos. Oh, I need to drive up into Montreat...they are a bit higher than Black Mountain, so will be behind us in blooms I think.

  6. The tree blossoms are well ahead of things here.

    1. It's a good thing they know when to come into bloom based on sun and warm temps!

  7. Have you been reading about how those pear trees have turned out to be an invasive species? Horticulturists are advising that we cut them down.

    Enjoy them while you can!

    1. The birds apparently do scatter pear tree seeds into the woods, and I can see a whole line of them growing on the other side of the tracks! Yes they're invasive. Certainly not indigenous. But I wonder if local landscapers will stop putting them in parking lots any time soon!


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