Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, November 22, 2021

the very big grocery trip

 So I came home with just 4 bags full!

I leaned on my cart handles just a bit too much by the time I got to frozen foods. 

"What?" I exclaimed, "There are no frozen fake fish filets!"

So I got some fake chicken filets instead, though I know I've still got some of these.

I had carefully trolled through the produce dept. and stopped myself from buying everything I like...concentrating on, "can this make a meal for me, rather than a snack?"

I still returned home with two kinds of dips...and no chips or veggies to dip. So another trip is in order. I did get two kinds of salad greens, which was a goal. I gladly piled up some sweet breads for breakfasts, and frugally skipped the high cost berries. I also skipped the many bags of grapes. 

And I was headed toward the orange juice, which is on the opposite side of the store, in the back, while I'd been shopping the front. I didn't make it. The orange juice can wait 'cause someone gave me a whole bag of tiny little oranges. Did I mention this is a super store?

So unfortunately I had to do the self-check out. I was bleary eyed by then, but kept my mask on. I only had to get the manager's help twice. I've put away only the frozen things so far. Now I need to squeeze all these fresh veggies in with the ones that I already have. I keep eating the oldest first...when I go to eat. That's hard cause I'm rather tired of it by now. But it was a gift, and you know how you can't throw away gifts. (Watch me, today is the last day for a couple of these goodies!)

I have now returned from the land of the almost alive be-masked grocery shoppers. 


  1. Hello,
    We did our grocery shopping yesterday too. It is nice to see a well organized store, everything look fresh. Mask wearing shoppers are becoming a thing of the past here. we still wear our mask while shopping. I hope you are feeling better, take care. Have a Happy Thanksgiving week!

  2. What an impressive looking place. We are doing a pickup today — training in how to do it for Sue for when I am incapacitated from foot surgery.

    1. I haven't done any pick-ups...because I shop based on what I see. I have a basic list, like mushrooms and potatoes and beans...but I'll also want some fruit, depending on what looks good. Hope you all have a good routine for when you're off your feet for a while.

  3. ..I refuse to use self check out!

    1. I used to also, but when there are only 3 checkers and lines behind them, I sometimes give in and think I might just breeze through this time...which is always wrong!

  4. We did our grocery shopping yesterday too. We went early and the co-op was busier than we'd seen it in quite a while. Ah Thanksgiving is on its way.

    1. I have enjoyed finding some new (to me) places to get things. A carry out catering outfit offers prepared things that are vegetarian.

  5. We did some of our grocery shopping today and will finish on Wed when we go to Aldi.

    1. I need to do an Aldi trip, but then I've got to bring all those bags in the house and put things away. I'll wait till next week I think.

  6. Grocery shopping is very difficult. Then putting the stuff away too. I helped my 89 year old mother with it the other day and she was very grateful.

    1. Good to help people like me, it takes a few trips from the car just to bring everything in usually. But buying just 4 bags full made the trip more manageable.

  7. Since I walk, my grocery trips might be two or three times in a week.

    1. Yes, I'm finding smaller amounts at one time are a good idea too.

  8. I went grocery shopping today and was whupped by the time I was done.

    1. It's an experience that has become more and more demanding!

  9. You did very well to manage that ordeal! There's a superstore in the nearest town to me but I rarely go there as it takes so long walking up and down the aisles in search of what I want. Since Covid I've been ordering online and having a home delivery every couple of weeks. It was a bit hit-and-miss for a start but they've really got their act together lately and the delivery charge is less than I'd spend on train fares to get to the shop.


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