Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Echo-cardiogram...or whatever it's called.

Getting an Echogram of my heart the other day...as I waited for the technician, I took this photo of her setup. I don't understand much, but I was positioned so I could see different parts of my heart on the screen as she did all her adjustments.

On the way to the cardiac center for my echo appointment, which had been cancelled twice before, I not only had 3 red lights, but a train at the one and only place tracks cross the road from my house into Asheville!  But I did still make it on time, and without going more than the speed limit's understandable 5 miles per hour faster than is posted.

I have to find someone to tell me the results. I'd already had my appointment with the cardiologist, and am not eligible for another one apparently. He gave me tasks measuring my blood pressure to keep track of, but now I won't get to give him the results, nor get the drugs changed...ARGH!

Fortunately, a week ago I had a new development which kept me off my feet. My heels started hurting terribly to walk, and there were cracks in them with dried blood. So I was able to get in to see my Primary Physician on Mon. It just meant staying home on a pretty weekend which I didn't like.

Anyway, I thought my swelling feet caused it, but the MD said no. However he recommended soaks in epsom salts. And then have soft heels in my shoes. I also bought some little gel heel inserts to try as well. And since the dry skin has caused the cracks, I got some good cream to moisturize them when I go to bed (and wear socks).

Really NOW: 
While with my MD, I asked if he'd received the results of the Echo and the blood tests that were done at the cardiologist's office. He didn't have the blood tests, but the Echo results were there. He read through them and said everything looked normal. I was thrilled. I'd had a reading of low-normal the last time. And my goal for the last year has been to get my heart back to normal. Yay me!

Strangely enough my steps were much lighter the rest of that day, and the next few. The heels are still a bother, and the feet look like plums...but I can approach each problem with the thought that my heart at least is now normal. It's been beating since before I was born, so it's a lovely 80 years and some old.



  1. Hello,
    I am glad you test results were good. YAY for you!
    The gel heel inserts and lotion should help your feet.
    Take care, have a great day and week ahead.

  2. HEARTY congratulations are in order. :)

  3. ...I have had that several times.

  4. Wonderful news about your echocardiogram. Yay! That is such a relief. I hope the gel works and that your feet start to feel better. These aging bodies are so full of mischievous little tricks sometimes. Take care there.

  5. Great news--except about the feet. Old age--it it isn't one thing, it's several others.

  6. I'm so glad that you got good results from your echo. I've had one before to see if my heart murmur was benign. (it was) Dry heels issues-how well I can relate!

  7. Yay for you! Great news for the heart and hopefully the feet will get better soon.

  8. Sorry to read about your feet. That puts a damper on your walking. But at least the other news was good.

  9. I occasionally get issues with dryness on my heels.

  10. Glad your results were good. I take pictures while waiting in medical offices too.

    I've had great results on my feet with CBD cream and also a natural progesterone cream every now and then.

  11. I didn't realise that you and I are of an age. And have similar hearts. Yeah.


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