Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Beauty is all around us

A promise of things to come...

And the wrapping continues...but Mon. morning I took all the little pieces to UPS, where they will finish putting heavy duty wraps on the pieces of pottery that my friend Cathy Babula made. I should have taken some photos of it before I started with all the bubble wrap and tape. Then I put prettty Chrismas wrapping paper on them...and will leave the final wrap for the UPS guys.

Shades of red...a whole tomato cut into bite size chunks, sprinkled with sea salt...on a poppy designed plate.

A friend made a wonderful minestrone which I loved eating. She sent me the recipe. Then we talked on the phone and she told me another thing that she kind of added. It was so good, and I want to make some too!

Tues was a run around day. I started out early to get some groceries, and to avoid as many people as possible. Before I got in my car, the maintenance man said I should have my right front tire looked at, as it was low again. I would have postponed it, but he said if you go fast and it heats up, it could explode.

So I spent the next hour having the tire looked at by the Black Mountain Tire guys...on the side sort of. He couldn't find a leak, so he took the whole thing off and went somewhere and ground off the rust, which he thought made it leak. And then when I asked him what I owed him he said what he'd done...but he wasn't going to write up a ticket. So I gave him $10. I hope that was enough.

It was most of the cash in my wallet, and I felt funny pulling out 3 more dollars.

Anyway, off I went to see if my favorite frozen dinners had been restocked since last week, when they were almost all gone. Nope...so I bought 2 of the vegetarian meals by Amy. They are pricey, but when I'm sick I don't want to dirty pans, then have to wash them. To be honest, they are already dirty, watiting till I feel well enough to stand in the kitchen for 20 minutes.

It wasn't a crowded store, but several young children (who don't require masks) were skipping around everywhere. I kept avoiding them. I wondered if school is out for the holidays already.

Brought the groceries home, and then loaded up one bag of non-perishibles, and dropped it off at church to be donated to the local mission which has free groceries for those in need. It feels good to have enough to share.

I then waited till time to get to my doctor appointment, by eating some lunch and reading a book from the library. Got to the doctor's office early, sat far apart from others, all of us wearing masks. But some kind of mix up meant a guy who had just been worked into the schedule got in ahead of me, so after about an hour, I finally was shown to the first room, and then a few minutes later to another one. My doctor said having a recurrent fever and cough might well be COVID. He asked if I wanted to take part in a research study using a 15 minute test. He also would send a test for flu and another one for COVID to a lab. The 15 minutes went by fast, because the nurse ended up having to repeat one of the tests 3 times. Why? She said she dropped it on the floor twice. She apologized and said she was having a bad day.

I apparently wasn't. My test was negative, for the 4th test since May.  So my doctor put me on antibiotics, and some steroids for a short time. He's figuring it's bronchitis. I know there wasn't much else he could do...so will hope this knocks this bug right out.

Thanks for reading through today's adventures. I came home and had soup for dinner.


  1. Hello,
    It feels good to have all the wrapping down and presents shipped off. Most people I see here are wearing their mask, some of the little kiddies do not wear one. I am glad you tested negative for the virus but I hope you feel better. Take care, have a happy day!

  2. ...we just need to be prepared to enjoy our surroundings.

  3. I didn't know UPS would do that kind of service. Maybe they don't up here??

    Even young children wear masks here, but there must be some kind of cut off. I have never thought about it.

    Our doctor is so time-sensitive that she just would not have a crowded waiting room. I appreciate her promptness very much.

  4. I'm glad your doc did one more test and that it came back negative. Whew. I hope you start to feel better soon. Take care there.

  5. I love soup this time of year. I'm avoiding children too. Amy's dinners are good, although as you mentioned, they are expensive. Hope the meds kick the illness to the curb!

  6. That soup looks good right about now. It's raining here and kind of gloomy.
    Hope you feel better soon. Take care and have a wonderful day.

  7. It's soup weather, for sure. I have a pot on the stove right now.


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