Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Another flower and old traffic photo

 These photos have nothing to do with each other...but it you figure out a theme, let me know!

One of the three Kalanchoes that have started to bloom. They'll continue putting these little blossoms out for the next several months probably.

I think this is Houston in 1925.  I picked it up from Facebook. 

The last time I drove through downtown Houston (don't ask but it's definitely been decades ago) I was thrilled that if you drove exactly the speed limit, you could go through green lights for about a mile or so.


  1. Hello,
    The flowers are pretty, they are cheery sight. I always like when the traffic lights are in sync. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Hi Eileen...late at replying to yesterday's comments. Glad to see you here each time you visit!

  2. Not a whole lot of variety in cars back then. I think the glory days for variable designs must have been the mid to late 50s.

    1. Good insight. I'd never thought about how cars got designed, but I do like the 30's designs too.

  3. As Henry Ford said, customers can have any color they like as long as it's black.

    1. Makes sense. And then so many people suddenly had a car rather than horse and buggy!

  4. ...pretty Kalanchoes, my amaryllis is shooting up well.

    1. I didn't get an amaryllis this year, nor keep one from years before like I've done in the past. They are so brilliant and cheerful. Glad you have one!

  5. Our traffic lights are only synchronized late at night when there isn't much traffic. Love that color of flower.

    1. It can often only work when there isn't a back=up. I don't drive many places where there's miles of traffic lights. Now-a-days I get on the Interstate, then a few exits later I'm in the town I need to go to...or at least the cross roads.

  6. Not many traffic lights out this way. :)

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks...and I'm crazy taking photos of their progress...just like a pet owner or new mom/grandmom with cute kid photos.

  8. I used to commute along a road that had the lights timed for around 10 mph over the actual speed limit. Guess how fast the traffic would go?

    be safe... mae at maefood.blogspot.com


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