Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The rest of the story of my outing Saturday

Kathy Phillips was one of my good friends that I met at the Tailgate Market on Saturday, (and I waved at about 4 others) and we chatted for a bit about our basil plants, and the huge day care center being constructed on the site.

 It's about square looking from this corner, with doors all opening on this side near the parking lot. We were standing about 10 feet higher than that ditch where the building is...but it will be at road height at the other end.

There is a great need for Day Care in Black Mountain. It will be interesting to see how this building is finished.

My basil waiting for some dirt (soil)...Kathy offered me some from her big bag of potting soil. I will think about whether I need a whole bag myself first.

Today's quote:
“Worrying about scarcity is our culture’s version of post-traumatic stress. It happens when we’ve been through too much, and rather than coming together to heal (which requires vulnerability) we’re angry and scared and at each other’s throats.”
Casandra Brene' Brown

Anyone noticed the anger being expressed by those who don't want to wear masks? I still haven't seen it in the mask-wearers...but they are angry about police killing black men. Always something to be angry about.


  1. Fresh basil is a summer blessing! Glad to see you're out and about!

    1. Just can drive more than walk about! I find that so funny. I do keep getting tired when walking much, so hope to get into rehab in a week and see if they have any clues that can help!

  2. ...day care and the Trump Plague, sounds like a messy situation.

    1. I don't know how little ones will be kept safe...but essential workers have to have someone care for their kids.

  3. Hello,

    I am sure the day care workers want to get back to work. I have watched Trump's rallies, he seems to like egging the crowd on. He wants his followers to be angry. My basil is not doing well, not sure why. Enjoy your day!

  4. Ah you just reminded me that we didn't plant any basil this summer. We usually plant enough to make pesto. Ah well. Lots to think about for the future and children and schools and day care. Difficult times.

  5. Fresh basil sounds good. We just bought a parsley plant today.

  6. It was a comfort to see everyone masked in a store this week. That was a brief visit. Today, I go grocery shopping, so the visit will be longer.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.