Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Things just keep changing

Well, it's great that I was so full of inspiration I've been writing blogs ahead of time, because now I've caught up, and can't put much effort into writing tonight.

It's Tues, May 19, 2020. On Friday last week I felt so bad I went to the hospital in Asheville. Turns out I had had a heart attack.

So today I got home, after having wonderful care by such a great medical and nursing staff. I have a stint now in my LAD artery in my heart.

And for all the folks who've already been through this, you know I'm wiped out.

There are wonderful people at my church, my dear friends, who will be bringing me some meals. I had a dear friend take me to the hospital (after all I had no idea it was my heart), and Helen picked me up today.

Have I got stories to share!!!

PS, I missed reading all my blog friends for 4 days, so will be catching up.


  1. Take care...glad you have had your plumbing unblocked! It is amazing what can be done

  2. OH my, I can only imagine that you are wiped out. I am glad you have so many friend there to help you out.
    Take care! Enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  3. How scarey! Our active neighbour had a stroke awhile ago and we think she will never manage to return home. It does sound, however, that the outcome for you will be much better.

  4. ...I recently had three stents installed before I had a heart attack, my best to you!

  5. Oh wow, Barbara, this is not what I expected to read here! Glad you are okay. Please take care and stay well there. Thinking of you.

  6. I am so sorry to hear this news. Sending healing energy your way. Take care and I hope you are back on your feet quickly.

  7. Glad it was a thing they are good at . . . and that you are home !!

    1. That's really scary. Hope you feel better soon.

  8. Oh dear! You take care now and don't fret.

  9. So sorry to hear but so glad you got good treatment and are on the mend. Rest easy, good blogger buddy and take care. I'm sending healing wishes from this side of the mountain. (Even the GOP sends thoughts and prayers.)

  10. Sorta glad not to have known about this till it was over and you were on the mend. And what good friends you have! Take it easy and eep on healing. LOve, Vicki

  11. I am so happy to hear you are home and healing. So sorry this happened. I hope you can rest and be spoiled. What is your favorite dinner?! Please msg me! Sending lots of hugs and loving thoughts your way!

  12. WHAT!?! I have heard so many stories of women not knowing they have had a heart attack and also doctors mis-diagnosing. Terrible time to have something like this happen, hope you are well soon!

  13. So very glad that this has a happy ending!
    What a terrible time to be in hospital. I had surgery in March just as we were going into lockdown. My hospital was practicing safe methods so I was not worried. The only place I have been was one follow up to my doc.

    Take care and continue to heal.


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