Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, May 8, 2020

Repotting on the porch...

When I started, lots of sad little plants that spent the winter inside...but the new "organic" bag of dirt has been added to their new placements...with a bit of the old.  I know that may mean any diseases might be carried forward, but hey, the dirt in empty pots was outside freezing all winter, so maybe that killed off any organisms. At least that's what I hope.

 Rosemary is much happier in the bigger pot.

 Lavender is happy to help the fairy in their new location.

 And the 3 big stems of Kalancho have been divided to share pots with 3 coleus plants.

 The geranium is peeking around the post, now in a hanging pot.

I just added new soil to the gardenia in the big pot, and the last 2 coleus are in a nice big pot.

But I still have the succulents to do...and the orchids. A gardeners life is never done.

And now (Wed. May 6) there are going to be nights with possible frost, and even a freeze expected. So I just hauled everyone back inside again. Good exercise. They've had a few days of sunhine and even up to 80 degrees. Such is spring in Western North Carolina.

Today's Quote:

Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage.
Casandra Brene' Brown


  1. ...just a reminder, dirt is what you sweep under the rug, soil is what plants grow in!

    1. Oh thanks for the reminder, Tom. Soil. It is only in my usual vocabulary as when I spill something oily on my favorite shirt...it then is soiled. Ha!

  2. Hello,

    Your big pot and plants look nice, I like the cute fairy. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

    1. Happy Friday to you and yours...keep warm, keep safe!

  3. Speaking of cold, I am in my chair with the ipad. As I look out the window, I see snow on roofs. Th high today will be 5C with the normal being 17C.

    1. I try to convert C to F, mainly by remembering that 0C means freezing. Keep warm, stay safe!

  4. I love the big pot the rosemary is in! I need to do some repotting too--just waiting for this cold spell to pass.

    1. I've used all the big pots, but have 2 casserole dishes (with cracks) to plant the succulents in. They are taking over one windowsill. Soon!

  5. You have some really interesting looking pots.

    1. I don't know if that means you like them or not, but I do, since I made most of the "interesting" ones!

  6. Lovely pots and plants you have there.

    1. Thanks Robin. I do need a bit of variety...more like something that I could cut and bring inside for a vase. The Four O'clocks haven't sprouted yet, so maybe they aren't going to be part of my porch garden this year. There are ants in that pot, and I'm hoping to get rid of them. Such is a gardener's life!

  7. Nice pots for your plants, they will be happy!

    1. And of course as I play with my plants, I'm talking to them. Not much traffic goes by to hear me.

  8. I saw a recommendation once to put your old soil in the oven to kill off anything bad. Not something I'm going to do with my dozens of container plants on my Florida patio.
    So glad to see everyone enjoying spring and getting their planting done.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.