Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Some white wet stuff

Photo by JackCathyOllis Jan 2018, Black Mountain NC

 The art of melting snow on a car window.

 Last Thursday I decided to get the mail, and run the windshield wiper for a minute in the car.  The snow jut kept on falling though.

I like the art of snow turning into water on glass. Doesn't bother me if I don't have to drive through it.


  1. ...I can handle snow, ice is another matter.

    1. Yes, I do remember some moments of skidding off in a direction where the wheels weren't pointed. That was in Connecticut.

  2. Hello, Still no snow here. I am ok not seeing the cold wet stuff. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week !

    1. Hi Eileen, thanks for stopping by...I would have commented on Critters, but there were already 50+ comments. Good crowd there! And love your photos of birds, especially those bluebirds!

  3. We just have raindrops on our windows at the moment, haven't seen any snow this winter.

    1. I think we may still have a big storm, but we didn't last winter, so I have no idea...maybe wishful thinking for a retired person who doesn't HAVE to go anywhere.

  4. I like seeing the snow there, as long as it doesn't stay too long!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog. No snow here and not at all this winter.

  6. Hi Barbara. I live in Sweden so we are supposed to have a white winter. But not this year. But forecast say we can expect some of that white, wet stuff later this week. ;)

  7. I don't like driving in it either.


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