Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Nu... or Na...

I can't write out the words, because my dear Google watchers (HI Guys- though I know you have no gender, indeed, you're not even human) have banned me from watching a show, and then taken other actions.  Back up a bit, you say.

Nudes and nudity are ok...as an artist I've looked at a lot of models; and there are still nudist camps in Florida I'm pretty sure.  And when I took art classes with nude models, they are called figure drawing these days, it was an ok word.  We laughed at learning that naked meant what porn is all about...the use of sex objectified for pleasure of men and boys. (and maybe some girls and women, who knows...)

But last week, another potter blogger (and teacher) gave the link to The Great Pottery Throwdown, a Brittish show that is all about challenging potters to make things in competition with each other.  That week (episode 6) was to make a statue from a model...and they had a man and woman posing...in the Greek style.

I believe the editorial bots have no idea what Greek art was all about.  The YouTube posting had a disclaimer that it was ok for adult viewing.  I have trouble finding any photos of nude models (except athletic young men!) when I search for them. Apparently the beautiful females have been removed by some censors!

My friend in my pottery studio here in town, had watched several other episodes, and when I told her about this one, she went home and tried to watch it. Yesterday she told me it had been taken down. She couldn't get the YouTube show.  We laughed at how us senior women potters had now been marked as liking porn.

Ha ha.

Not funny today - when I went back to his blog (which I noticed hadn't been automatically added to mine every day as it had in the past...all posts missing for the past week!) and he had another The Great Pottery Throwdown link for YouTube. Yep, it came up fine. Fireplace tiles. Yep.

So I scrolled back to the one he posted last week, and sure enough, the link to that YouTube with Greek style statues of nude figures worked. I copied the link to share with my friend. Who knew what reason it wasn't working on YouTube for her, remember us laughing about it yesterday.

And my whole Safari program crashed.


That's the Apple version of Chrome or FireFox on a PC.  The entire internet carrier was dumped. I still had internet, and the computer was running fine. But apparently it was a trigger to someone out there that I'd logged onto that site, and was copying it. Less than 3 seconds and it went off. Then I had to wait another 30 seconds of repeated trying to turn it back on. Click, click, click...been put on a wait, click click, click. (Yes that hesitation is something to watch out for ladies.)

So I finally booted my internet program Safari back up. And not to be paranoid or anything, wanted to tell someone. So I wrote an email on my gmail account and sent it to a friend...without either Greek statues, or naming the way the figures were dressed (or undressed, but draped).

Yes, big Brother is watching. I know google just sent out a new "terms of use" which probably has fine print somewhere that says, "we're monitoring the words you use, and the links you look at." I've just had that confirmed in a strange way.  I wonder what other lists I'm on. Definitely the anti-Frump one. And the matriarchy vs patriarchy one. And women's power, if that is separate. I don't use many swear words, so I'm probably not on that Christian list. Oh, I'm definitely on the "religions of the world vs. Christians are the only right people" list. And I like the idea of immigrants getting help to become US citizens (won't use the trigger word Sanc...ary.) I'm on a Roe v Wade list...and racial disparities. I hope that I'm on the list of good citizens who vote too. Watch out!

So now I'm not too happy about being watched. As a US citizen, where is my freedom of speech?  This is what happened when we changed something on internet a few years ago, remember folks? I just barely do. It was kind of warned against, then just happened.

Cue Twilight Zone music here.


  1. Hello, it is scary how much "big brother" is watching. I think they are watching the wrong people. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great week ahead.

  2. Big Brother is alive and well in every city and on every corner. It's the way things are now. I personally don't like it but I'm always careful in what I do. Usually I give a wave and a smile to the cameras I see. :)
    Have a nice evening.

  3. Big Brother is always watching now. Even as I type this, I know they're here.

  4. I don’t understand this. People do all sorts of lewd things online without repercussion.

  5. If they're watching me they must be very bored indeed!


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