Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

These are the greens in my life today...

 All kinds of succulents gathered into a failed casserole dish.

 The lavender is happy enough in it's sunny spot.

 Rosemary also has sunshine most days.

 Another succulent continues to grow bigger, next to the Oxalis. (Purple shamrock, also below, and yes, it's not green!)

A weekly shot of water and tuck the dying foliage into the pot which has no drainage...and this plant makes its own hummus as it has for over 10 years. (Fertilize when I think of it, maybe every 3 months.)

 Another long lived plant, which is pruned yearly, and brought inside until spring, when it often blooms again, the gardenia.

 And after 2 years keeping this plant barely alive, and finally repotting it, it has promise of blooms.

 Except the one at the bottom had broken off.  I'm carefully giving this a few drops of water every few days, and it has indirect sun (when it shines.)

 Another plant that continues with minimum attention is the philodendron.

 Half of the Thanksgiving orchid is still blooming...and it gets an ice cube worth of water a week.
 The Kalanchoe is beginning to have some buds too on the sunny side (not the silk yellow mum!) I rotate it weekly, hoping it will have more flowers. I need to stop watering it too. Duh, I know that.

 It's really nice the African Violets are about to bloom. Nice for January!

Thee are cuttings from the Kalanchoe...which probably have rooted, and I'm going to put them in dirt in old pots, bowls, mugs..the rejects can certainly become planters!


  1. What a collection and well tended too.

  2. Hello, lovely green plants, they do love the sunshine. We have our sage, thyme and parsley sitting in a sunny window. I love the pretty African Violets. Wishing you a happy day!

    1. Oooh, I think I hear Simon and Garfunkel in the wings.

  3. ...Barbara, you sure have quite a collection. At the moment we have one amaryllis.

    1. I no longer have any yard to plant things in, nor even subscribe to a raised bed garden plot...to it's pots of plants for me these days!

  4. I love to see plants on sunny windowsills!
    I love my porches, but they do prevent sunshine coming in.
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

    1. Thanks for sharing the link to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - and I shared this post with them!

  5. You have a nice selection of indoor plants and I love the recycled casserole dish to create a succulent planter. Happy Bloom Day!

  6. I so wish I had windows like that! Oh, I have windows, but they aren't situated to let in enough sun for houseplants. It's probably the only thing I wish I could change. Skylights aren't an option, the heating is in the ceiling! Such nice healthy plants.

  7. Its quite enjoyable to see plants kept at window sill they add a lot of liveliness and decor to the room ,African violets and succulents collection is beautiful .Happy blogger blooms day.

  8. Very pretty!

    They'd all be dead if left in my care. I can keep a cactus alive, and that's about it.


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