Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

At Red House

There's a new show, in which I have nothing submitted. But I still was signed up to sit on the reception desk for Sunday, from the last time I had one piece in the last gallery exhibit at the Red House, a.k.a. Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League. We have a membership, and if we wish to display in the gallery we have to sign up to be the receptionist for everyone...making sales if possible.

For an old house, it has pretty good heating...here's my laptop on the desk, and I love seeing the wire sculpture of the heron in the other room.

This show is for those who have a studio here in the Red House, as well as new members.  There are some gorgeous things on display! So I'l just share 5 more here.

 Donna Davis has perfected water color as art.

 Nancy Moore didn't have a title on this watercolor.

And here I am welcoming the visitors who want a warm place to hang out until Black Mountain got above freezing out there. Soon the sprinkling of snow melted and the high winds calmed down again.

I'll share more of the Red House art over at Alchemy of Clay, after I finish sharing the art from the James Museum in St. Petersburg FL. Now back to my regular life, and maybe to share more of my Florida vacation!


  1. Hello, nice exhibit. I like your selfie. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great week ahead.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Eileen. I am a bit slow catching up on comments on blogs...I will have more photos of art on my other bog, which you also visit frequently!

  2. ...this sounds like a great way to meet the public.

    1. I guess it is, but I don't think that's my motive. I like making friends with the artists. Since there are about 8 studios, and often classes on the days I "sit on the desk" I get a chance to talk with them.

  3. I enjoy art shows. They are inspiring.


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