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Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, December 15, 2019

So sayeth my Rep-ulsi-can cou-sins

Being compared to Satin, from the Rep-ulsi-can relatives:

The article that was shared by my cousin, Pat on FaceBook: HERE.

What my cousin Patricia Rogers Seliger said as her statement about the article:
"I was listening to this speech on the radio as I was driving into work and heard her say this. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"Nancy Pelosi transparently announced a coup against President Trump on Thursday morning, Dec. 5, 2019, a date which will live in political infamy.
There was never any doubt that the House of Representatives will vote on a strictly partisan basis to impeach the president, but it could not have been foreseen that Pelosi would frame that approaching act as a naked power grab.
Yet that is exactly what she did.
In opening her announcement to draft impeachment charges by quoting the Declaration of Independence, she acknowledged more plainly than ever before that she is taking a revolutionary act, that she is overthrowing the established order and that, in modern terms, she has launched a coup.
Consider the words she quoted:
"When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another ..."
This is either wildly inappropriate or a fundamental clue to the deeper meaning of the necessity of impeachment, as seen by the Democrats. These are not the words of an orderly transfer of power via legal means. They are a confession of the underlying intent of what has long been called "The Resistance" — and that is revolution, rebellion, the overthrow of an executive power that does not conform to the expectations of an aggrieved ruling class."

In answer to this post were these comments:
Commment by Shirley Woodlock
"This crazy woman wants to be President. She will get there any way she can, if she can.
Reply by 
Patricia Rogers Seliger She would be second in line if Trump were impeached. She has to know he never will be. They didn't even come to a vote yesterday in the House Judiciary Committee. They are expected to get the vote today, and then it will go to the full House and then to the Senate. The Senate will either acquit him or hold a full trial, where a lot of witnesses will be called including Joe and Hunter Biden, and their corruption will be exposed. Unless people are living under a rock, they will find out a lot of things the Democrats don't want them to know, so why she is doing this is a real puzzle. They are digging their own graves.
Shirley Woodlock Patricia Rogers Seliger yes they are. She and her husband; also their company are just as corrupt as the rest of them. I am so ready to see that swamp drained.

Another cousin said:
Chris Rogers She’s not crazy, she’s evil. She has the same lust for power as Hillary and the rest, the same lust that got Satan and his followers kicked out of heaven. I just want to see her kicked out of the House and into Guantanamo!

Another comment by:
Kat Main “May the trap she/they are laying be that which ensnares them” just like Haman’s gallows. This has been my prayer!
Reply by:

Next comment:
Andre Lefebvre It's like watching a controlled demolition in slow-motion. Their need to assign a higher moral value, patriotism, overthrow of "evil" is making them look deranged and disconnected from the reality of their own country. The very definition of "entitledelite" right there.

Next executive order should be to limit terms of service in Congress and the Senate to curb the growth of incestuous political relationships. It's a self-serving closed-system.
Reply by:
Patricia Rogers Seliger Exactly, they are desperate to protect their "you scratch my back, I'll scratch your" system of corruption. They've had a nice little thing going enriching themselves using their position. No coincidence that many of them become multi-millionaires in Congress. We MUST have term limits. Ted Cruz has introduced a bill to that effect. Now we need justice for these crooks.

I was not able to share these comments from cousin Pat's post, so I just shared the article about The Democrats (Satin? really?)

So here I am...definitely not one of these mad people.


  1. Hello, where do people get these crazy ideas? I do not think the Democrats acted like this when Clinton was going through the impeachment process.

    1. We vs they. It is amazing how there's the football team mentality, our team is better than yours. And then toss in religion, so of course satan is part of the divisiveness.

  2. ...the shoe is on the other foot now and they don't like how it fits!!!!!!!!

    1. At least none of my friends (that I know of) talk like this about the Repulsicans. We are simply amazed how they have followed the tea party line.

  3. My wife has cousins like these too. They're insane, too much watching/listening to Fox News.

    1. And I think there's a team spirit kind of joy that they get, it seems that they cheer each other along in the negative interpretations of everything...though I'm just commenting based on this one series. Perhaps there is thoughtful discussion of what the deeper meaning of the Democratic political stance might be. Nah. First, it's pretty obvious that they have no clue about anything except this blatant hatred.

  4. The utter stupidity of such people. And there is no point in trying to reason with them.

    The Republican party was once the party of Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Eisenhower. They would be disgusted by what has become of it.

  5. That Kool Aid must be mighty sweet! But seriously, they are the "True Believers" that Eric Hoffer wrote about.


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