Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Down-time gets filled in with...

It doesn't seem fair.

I had a week with very little planned.

Then Monday while waiting for the free veggies (thanks Bounty and Soul) to be unloaded a bit late, I started losing my voice. I attributed it to some of the moldy veggies...I saw them wipe blue stuff off the lemons. Any chemicals in the air can do the "laryngitis" thing to my throat.

By the time I picked up some tomatoes, some potatoes, and a loaf of pretty stale Ciabatta bread, and the Food Connection gave me a boxed dinner of roast beef and brownies, I was coughing again. That was a nice start of a meal which I definitely stretched with the new bread, saving half the beef for another meal.

So I started taking the antibiotics which my Dr. had given me in case I got sick while I had been traveling in the fall. And I started taking pro-biotics to counteract one of the worst side effects (for me) of diarrhea from the antibiotics.

So Thurs. I had a physical therapy appointment, and I wore a little face mask to not share my germs with anyone. The physical therapist took me seriously, put his hand on my forehead before he would even see me, and wouldn't touch me but just gave me directions, and as soon as I left, he was spraying his table with whatever cleanser he uses.

So far I haven't had any fever. But my sinuses have definitely improved, so I may have knocked out a sinus infection (which I'm prone to getting.)

I'm still coughing, and nose still runs more than usual. But I'm not tired enough to nap any more, nor did I ever have muscle or joint pains. So with lack of fever and those flu like symptoms, I'm pretty sure it's just a cold. I don't get them very often.

But when I had such a low scheduled week, I left myself open for getting sick and needing to stay away from people. However, when my friend invited me for dinner on Thur.s night, I certainly went, and enjoyed not wearing a mask. But I didn't have much appetite, though the fare was delicious. I just brought about half of it home in a box.

Next week I've got a lot to do, so I'm getting better!


  1. ...I'm sorry to here that you are not feeling in the pink.

    1. Now I'm wondering what "in the pink" would feel like!

  2. Hope you are feeling better soon. Take care there.

    1. Thanks...baby steps. Have enjoyed reading blogs again today!

  3. Hello, I hope you feel better soon. Take care! Enjoy your day and weekend!

  4. It's always a nuisance being under the weather.


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