Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, August 23, 2019

Another milestone

So here I am, celebrating my 77th today.

Fortunately I've got things scheduled which haven't a thing to do with my birthday.  That is because I don't want to have a party...too stressful. I recently was invited to a play, and was all ready to go, then did my breathing treatment and found myself getting dizzy. That was a first. But after feeling like I might fall off my chair, I called my friend and canceled our "date." I hope that doesn't happen again (dizzy.)

On my birthday, I'm going on a tour of the home of a famous Asheville writer, Thomas Wolfe.  It's a guided tour, so should be educational.  And yes, I'll take some photos to share here somewhere (probably under "Living in Black Mountain.")

And to mark this milestone along my path of life, I need a poem that speaks to me.

You don’t need candles,
only the small slim flame in yourself,
the unrevealed passion
that drives you to rise on winter mornings
remembering summer nights. 

You don’t need incense,
only the lingering fragrance
of the life that has gone before,
stew cooking on an open fire,
the good stars, the clean breeze,
the warmth of animals breathing in the dark. 

You don’t need a cauldron,
only your woman’s body,
where so many of men’s fine ideas
are translated into life. 

You don’t need a wand, hazelwood or oak,
only to follow the subtle and impish
leafy green fellow
who beckons you into the forest,
the one who goes dancing
and playing his flute
through imperial trees. 

And you don’t need the salt of earth.
You will taste that soon enough. 

These things are the trappings,
the tortoise shell, the wolf skin, the blazoned shield.
It’s what’s inside, the star of becoming.
With that ablaze, you have everything you need
to conjure up new worlds.

Dolores Stewart, from The Nature of Things


  1. Happy birthday. Enjoy the day without the party - I dislike them too so can relate.
    Wonderful poem.

    1. Thanks...I think it's the clean-up that's the worst part. I gave myself (and my former cat) my last birthday party, probably 10 years or so ago!

  2. Happy, Happy! What a wonderful poem! Keep that star ablaze!

    1. Thanks Vicki, I'm working with finding a place inside me where my intuition dwells.

  3. Happy birthday! Looking forward to your photos of Thomas Wolfe's house. Sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate your day.

    1. I do hope the let us take photos. These days even museums do.


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