Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

A bit of journaling

I've been thumped on my rear, fighting a recovery from, of all things, novocaine!  I had a minor filling (well, let's catch this one before it gets any bigger!) on Friday. I took ibuprofen when I got hit by the pain of where the shots had been injected that afternoon.  I ate soft foods, because I couldn't stand chomping down on that side of my mouth.

Then Saturday I noticed my jaw still had swelling.  And needed the ibuprofen still.  Same thing Sunday, and I was napping each of those days...I do get groggy with any pain relievers.

Woke up Monday and jaw is still tender with this lovely egg size swollen place.  Whoopee. Made an appointment for a walk-in visit at my Dr.  I don't think they see me enough, so I go visit them whenever I think they need another glimpse of my smiling (swollen) face. That's facetious.

On top of that, we had pressure washing outside our buildings.  So all windows have to be closed and locked (meaning use air conditioning.) And all plants on porches have to be removed.  You may know, I have 13 plants out on my porch.  I was going to haul them inside, but another neighbor put hers out under a tree, so she helped me move mine there as well.

They had started on next building uphill from mine, when I went to eat spaghetti for lunch (nice soft food.) When I got back they had finished my building, with my porch smelling of bleach. I took off my shoes when I got inside. Then I went to Dr. who said my face would probably stop swelling if I kept icing it and take ibuprofen, and not use my mouth very much like talking and chewing difficult things.

Oh dear, I had been talking as well as eating at lunch, so I won't do that much until this is better.

Fortunately one thing which was scheduled, to have the electricity off for 3 hours, didn't happen.  They will probably do that without giving notice next time.

So I never made it to the studio. And I did have a tiny little nap.  And I don't have a fever at least! I was given a prescription for antibiotics in case I feel worse, or at least not better, within the next 24 hours.  I hate taking antibiotics because of all the side effects they give me.  I would rather use them when I'm really sick, and not as a slam-bam-this-might-help kind of routine.

So that's the way things got out of my control for this Monday.  Tomorrow, I have things to do, people to see...I sure hope I'm doing better by then, just after posting this!

And as a post script, I just watched the last of James Holtzhauer's games on Jeopardy. He didn't bet enough (for a change) to win final Jeopardy, and thus he chose to hand over the game to others.

“Jeopardy!” champion James Holzhauer is nearly $2.5 million richer, thanks to a quick mind and even quicker thumb reflex." But Monday night he didn't bother to ring in on many questions that he probably knew. He went into final with 2nd place, and then bet a minimal amount rather than as much as he could, so that was the end of his series.  I've learned a lot about big betting from James.

Second post script: 100 years ago today! On this day in 1919Congress approved the Nineteenth Amendment, giving women the vote.


  1. Hope you feel better soon! I am also VERY sensitive to antibiotics. They actually make me sick, and can knock me out, which creates a lot of anxiety when I'm faced with having to take them. And the doctors never believe that I experience so many side effects from them...

  2. Hope you are feeling better.


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