Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, June 28, 2024

Meeting for dinner

 A visit from a long time friend...kind of relative. 

On Tuesday last week we had the fun of trying to find a place to eat dinner. Well, apparently two restaurants I recommended were closed, one on vacation, and I just saw the empty parking lot at the other. (Note, most of our restaurants are usually closed on Mondays, so this was so Not Like Them!) 

Next choice at 6 pm was my favorite Mexican restaurant. And there was NO available parking. They had all the people from the other two restaurants there.

So the 4th choice, I knew we would have to wait, but we did find good parking, and put our names on the waiting list at The Trailhead. A 30 minute wait was doable since we could stand near the bar and have refreshing drinks while we waited (Coke for me.) 

So who is this lovely redhead? She's the mother of two of my grandchildren. I've always enjoyed her company since I met her way back when! She was up in Asheville visiting a good friend from FL, and had set aside this evening to visit with me. Cinnamon may be divorced from my oldest son, but she still has a good relationship with him, after all they share their adult children's lives still.

The photo above shows in the background a person eating at a table against the wall. It ended up being where we finally had dinner as well. Then taking left-overs home for another meal, we went over to my apartment.

This may sound strange, but I'm trying to give my friends and relatives my pottery...things they choose when visiting. That way when the time comes that I've died (does happen to us all!) and someone has to clean out my apartment, the various pottery and sculptures in clay won't have to be tossed aside, or given to folks that really didn't want them. This started with my carrying a tub of pottery with me to various family visits whenever I drove to see them. And last fall I had some Texas and South Carolina cousins visit also, who also chose their wishes. Unfortunately I still haven't mailed the Texas pots to my dear patient cousins.

Cinnamon was driving her own car from Tampa FL, thus could carry a box of pottery with her. So she went home with Themis (daughter of Gaia, who gives judgements based on the laws of nature), and a dragon, and a teapot. She also chose a tiny dragon to take to her daughter. I'm so thrilled. But then I thought, do I have photos of Themis? Of course I must, somewhere or another. No need to go looking through all those old folders actually.

And perhaps I will now be moved to create more dragons. Mmm, yes, rather than more things to sell but now more things to give away. Things to sell are still in the trunk of my car waiting to display next Saturday at the Tailgate Market. And as Cinn reminded me, I can look for what gives me joy in the making.

On a more personal note, my health is still slightly up and down. When I walked a long way (double my usual trek) to lunch the other day, in the noonday sun, I was pretty washed out. Longer walk was because parking is now being used by those going to the pool, rather than those going to the Senior Programs. Spent the rest of that day coughing, which comes when I get tired. Next day still pretty tired! But the cough was gone and I hadn't moved into the fever part of this situation that can happen. So I was glad to feel up to a night out, so to speak, with Cinnamon. 

As I write this on Wednesday morning, the windows are open to 66 degrees. It won't last, but I enjoyed hearing birds greeting the day at 6 am. Not my choice, but I did get up early today! Due to be 90 so I'm going earlier to the Senior Center, and hope to grab a parking place before going to Sit-R-Cise!

Today's quote:

We don’t have to pretend to be fine when we are not. We don’t need to push through and be strong. Gratitude is a soft landing place that requires us to be honest, open, and willing to look at everything we’re facing and not turn away.



  1. Hello,
    It is nice you still have a good relationship with your ex-daughter-in-law. Themis found a nice home.
    Take care, have a happy day and a great weekend!

    1. Yes, I'm so glad to have kept up with her from a distance. I just noticed how my upper lip looks like I have a mustache in the photo. Ooops.

  2. In a town we tend to get used to things beings closed on Monday, but when it surprisingly extends to Tuesday I am not best pleased. It has happened to me.

    1. There are two favorites now that close on Tuesday. And I still haven't gotten used to the barbecue place that now closes at 4 on the few days it's open, Tu-Sat.

  3. ...more dragons, the better.

    1. So glad you said so. I finished no. 5 yesterday. It's drying slowly at the studio now.

  4. Hi Barbara, Love your dragons! You are obviously a competent potter... My mother made some pottery along with a lot of colorful beads... She also did quite a bit of weaving but mostly she was a painter. I have none of those skills. As for worrying about those who survive our passing and what they'll do with our stuff, for the most part I just wish them (our son in particular) a lot of luck. I gave him my toy soldier collection, which he added to his accumulation, a significant number of my mother's art works, and we're taking boxes of book to his house on the next trip. Still he'd have to deal with thousands of photos and slides, hundreds of books, a couple hundred music CD's, 100 plus teddy bears, 60 plus cow creamers, our antiques and much, much more. He keeps telling us that we need to get rid of much more stuff...but I kind of like the idea that he'll have to sort through everything and remember us, perhaps not too fondly, along the way. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Oh my goodness, you do have some interesting collections. A friend who's a bit older than me, recently completed all her end of life decisions, down to paying for her cremation already, then she called her son and said: "now you don't have to do any of that, so be thanking me." He did. I haven't done all that yet. But I do like letting my relatives and friends know that I want to let go of these creations. My thought is they all work jobs so would have to take a few days off to clear out my apartment when I'm gone. Of course I will write another will, any day now, distributing some favorite things to certain ones. Anyway, I see the cleaning out relative (maybe a son and daughter-in-law, but more likely just a son) deciding what he wants, then having a few big bags of rejects. Thrift stores to receive a lot! Oh now I'm thinking about books too. Mmm. Decisions, decisions!

  5. Isn't that a lovely outing! Many of our restaurants are closed Mondays, as well.
    I do like dragons. You are wise to pass things on, though.

    1. I am seriously thinking of lowering prices on some of the Tailgate pots for sale tomorrow. Just things I don't think any relatives will want anyway. But I don't want to "undersell" the other vendor who shares the booth with me, a tricky thing there. Yay to all dragons!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.