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Thursday, May 2, 2024

And then there are abortion laws

 "Vice President Kamala Harris was in Jacksonville, Florida, today [May 1] to talk about reproductive rights. She put the fight over abortion in the larger context of the discriminatory state laws that have, historically, constructed a world in which some people have more rights than others. 

“This is a fight for freedom,” she said, “the fundamental freedom to make decisions about one’s own body and not have their government tell them what they’re supposed to do.” 

On May 1 "...Florida’s ban on abortions after six weeks—earlier than most women know they’re pregnant—went into effect. The Florida legislature passed the law and Florida governor Ron DeSantis signed it a little more than a year ago, on April 13, 2023, but the new law was on hold while the Florida Supreme Court reviewed it. On April 1 the court permitted the law to go into operation today. 

The new Florida law is possible because two years ago, on June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court  overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that recognized the constitutional right to abortion. In Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the modern court decided that the right to determine abortion rights must be returned “to the people’s elected representatives” at the state level. 

Immediately, Republican-dominated states began to restrict abortion rights. Now, one out of three American women of childbearing age lives in one of the more than 20 states with abortion bans. This means, as Cecile Richards, former president of Planned Parenthood, put it in The Daily Beast today, “child rape victims forced to give birth, miscarrying patients turned away from emergency rooms and told to return when they’re in sepsis.” It means recognizing that the state has claimed the right to make a person’s most personal health decisions. 

Until today, Florida’s law was less stringent than that of other southern states, making it a destination for women of other states to obtain the abortions they could not get at home. In the Washington Post today, Caroline Kitchener noted that in the past, more than 80,000 women a year obtained abortions in Florida. Now, receiving that reproductive care will mean a trip to Virginia, Illinois, or North Carolina, where the procedure is still legal, putting it out of reach for many women. 

This November, voters in Florida will weigh in on a proposed amendment to the Florida constitution to establish the right to abortion. The proposed amendment reads: “No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.” Even if the amendment receives the 60% support it will need to be added to the constitution, it will come too late for tens of thousands of women."


Thanks Heather Cox Richardson of Letters from an American

My opinion echoes Vice-President Harris completely. Whether state of federal laws, none should determine any decisions of personal medical care.

Just imagine if states or countries could determine who was eligible to even have children? Remember China's one child rule? 

And how about organ donors? Already there's a black market of organs where they are taken perhaps forcefully from those who need money or drugs, just for richer people to continue their lives. What if the governments started determining who should or shouldn't give their organs to others?

This is why men should also be supporting the laws that allow all of us freedom to choose our own medical decisions.


  1. ...I remember when the GOP was a the party of less government and then the religious nutjobs took over.

  2. Yes.The many cases of denying abortions to women who are suffering health crises is inexcusable.

  3. Hi Barbara, I still lean Republican although not the current Republican Party. I feel like an outcast with no refuge. Men should never decide this issue. It is very personal and traumatic too when it comes to health of the mother. This is not an issue that the government should decide...but it isn't going to be easily resolved, that's for sure. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

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