Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Life and laughs

 The laughs were a result of my level of anxiety which prompted me to take on "The Old Story Teller" modality!

Once upon a time...
Not so very long ago...
An old woman sat for an hour playing solitaire in the waiting room...

Then she was fetched by...
twin ladies in pink, who each had long blond hair (not really twins but working together)
to go through the long labyrinth to sit
 and wait a bit longer in the chair that swallows one back into submissiveness...

And there she met the black clad dentist of three eyes (no photos please!)
Dr. B...heimer! of the many laughs!

and then she was tilted back with her mouth wide open

then the "a little pinch perhaps"...which curled my toes...
and another "this won't hurt as much" she said (was that a cackle in her tone?

still mouth wide open 
for a long long long time...

Grind away the decay, while she cheerfully bantered with the twins
Sorry Amanda and Tony. the observer, you were very helpful, but really- Pink gowns!

a little suction please?

I closed my eyes at the beginning and tried to go to a beach
where I lay in the sun by the waves,
but then...
mouth still open, 

and more grinding (this is polishing)

My jaws kept popping out of alinement after being held open for over 40 minutes.
I stopped everything and massaged them.

The finally it was over, and they laughed and applauded my story.
Not the end.

I checked out at 4:30 from my 2:15 appointment. And I heard Dr. B. say she had another patient still waiting. 

I did warn them (when they appreciated my "voice of the old woman") that I would be happy to publish this story on my blog...after they encouraged me to do so! Unfortunately you don't know the tone, but it's like trying to tell the story of "It was a dark and scary night...." Plus lots of waving of hands. That all happened when they weren't working on my teeth!

Out the window I saw this courtyard with a pretty scene painted on one wall.
And look what my dental assistant Amanda, had on her window sill? Sort of dragons/alligators. But we didn't have any opportunity to discuss them.

The parking lot had this wonderful old tree, barely hanging on to the brink above yet another parking area. But hey, look at those yellow spots!

Yes, Forsythia is in bloom in Asheville. NC.

Incidentally the clinic I go to for dental care has low cost procedures based on your income. They can don most things. But I did have to go to an outside dentist to have my bridge built. Fortunately I also have some dental insurance through Medicare!

Oh, the evening meal was delicious to the side of my tongue which could taste. Unfortunately my numb cheek was the victim of some of my chewing, so it got really sore! So the next day I was on semi-liquids...no salad for me for that day!

Today's quote:
If we had paid no more attention to our plants than we have to our children, we would now be living in a jungle of weeds. -Luther Burbank, horticulturist (1849-1926)

And be forewarned, I am not posting or sharing any more political posts, on any blogs or my Facebook page. This is the season where many lies are told by politicians. They can't help it. It's like how male birds put on pretty plumage and dances to attract mates.


  1. Hello,
    I think the numbed area can feel awful, worse than the actual procedure. I hope you are feeling back to normal now. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

    1. There are always new things dentists find to do in one's mouth!

  2. ...I never enjoy going to the dentist.

    1. At least now I get novocaine! When I was a child reared in a household with no medicines/medical care...let me just say, I know how it feels!

  3. I avoid Novacaine, like the plague. It makes me feel horrible. I get all my fillings done without it. However, when I went to a specialist for a root canal, he used a special Novacaine without epinephrine in it, that wasn’t too bad.

  4. What a time you had! And your poor cheek! I hope you are doing better. It is good to laugh!

  5. I have never been moved to wax poetical at the dentist. 😊


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.