Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, November 13, 2023

My thoughts today

"The average American generates five pounds of trash per day, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Some of it gets recycled but most of it ends up in landfills, which can contaminate soil and water and generate harmful greenhouse gasses, contributing to environmental degradation and climate change.

Do you want to know the 5 suggestions to change your habits? 

Nope, not going to list them, since the first starts with taking an inventory of your trash. NOBODY is going to do that, are they? Just be more mindful of what you toss, and reuse and repurpose and recycle what you can!

Waste not, Want not...


On another note (pardon the pun!)

Tracy Chapman’s 1988 folk anthem “Fast Car” was named Song of the Year at this week’s Country Music Awards, making her the first Black artist to win the award

It was amazing to watch a white bearded man sing this and have it make much sense. It belonged to Tracy, I think!! Of course Country Music has always had the begrudging attitude of 'lost my wife, my dog and my truck.'


I got my flu shot Friday...the one for people over 65. Don't know what that's good for, but I figure I'm well qualified for it. My family doctor (general practitioner is another name I think) did a wellness physical. All systems go. Amazing that I haven't coughed since we've had all this dry weather (except the time I stuck my finger in a pot of moldy soil). That pot is outside now. I'm pretty sure this has confirmed my suspicions that the ac/heat unit grows mold whenever it rains, and blows it all over me in the bedroom. So, this detective woman has put a towel over it for the next 5 months of cold weather...and will use a portable floor heater, in the next room since my bedroom is so small.

Simple pleasures. Feeling my health is pretty good.  Knock on wood.




When it comes to generating power, shining light on silicon opens up a whole 

universe of possibilities. Available to stream now...


How disability intersects with climate vulnerability (Sat. 11.11.23)

PBS gave a short program which highlighted that:

"... People with disabilities are up to four times more likely to die in these disasters and most don’t return to their homes, according to research and U.S. census data. 

Despite this heightened vulnerability, the perspectives and needs of this population still aren’t meaningfully included in disaster management and planning efforts..."

Evidence suggests that global efforts to combat climate change also largely overlook people with disabilities, who went unmentioned in the long-term plans drafted by more than two-thirds of countries who signed the Paris climate agreement in 2015."


I watched the Earth Shot Prize on PBS last night, and must admit I looked on line ahead of time to see what kinds of projects were winners against whoever was just a finalist. I really wish the guys feeding a bit of seaweed to cows who would reduce the methane gas by 95% had won. Now I'll have to look back and see who beat them out.

The key message was to be optimistic. OK. Some days better than others.



  1. We always try be mindful of our trash and we recycle as much as we can. Take care, have a wonderful week!

    1. Good sounding routine there. Happy Monday to you Eileen!

  2. ...no one should cover Fast Car!

  3. Do you do recycling there? I mean in the same way as garbage pickup. out bins o out every week -- one week for paper, the next for containers.

    1. We only have recycling pickup every other week, while trash is once a week. Different trucks thank goodness. Cardboard should be cut down to flats. All other things should be bagged in a blue plastic bag. I hate buying plastic bags to dispose of trash and recycling!

  4. Such an issue with country music and the black musicians it refused to feature, honour or respect!
    We did a waste audit with our students one year. It was powerful. We don't have much waste here. Not with just the two of us. Packaging is a serious issue, however.

    1. Oh yes, I always save various sturdy boxes to send out pottery, and now am waiting for a good one to send some things that they're waiting for. I hate to pay UPS for their boxes.

  5. I had a twelve hour spell of a reaction after a covid and flu shot pair on the weekend.

    1. Wow, sorry to hear it. That's why I got them 2 weeks apart, then did the RSV two weeks after that. The arm soreness was my usual reaction.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.