Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Georgia O'Keeffe Women's History Month - 22

 "I found that I could say things with colour and shapes that I couldn’t say in any other way things that I had no words for."

Georgia O’Keeffe
Georgia Totto O'Keeffe (1887-1986)was an American artist. She was known for her paintings of enlarged flowers, New York skyscrapers, and New Mexico landscapes. O'Keeffe has been recognized as the "Mother of American modernism".

If I remember rightly, there were more than a few years that I lived with an O'Keeffe painting on my wall in monthly calendars.  I may still have a few of my favorite paintings stashed away, thinking I would frame them.  But walking through her museum was a very heady experience, and I didn't take photos of ALL of the works on display.

I'm sorry to not have her bio here. Please check out Wikipedia for details.

Source: Women Hold Up Half The Sky a group on Facebook


  1. ...I love her work, my doctor's office has a nice display of her art.

  2. I am a fan of Georgia O'Keefe, I love her art work. Take care, have a great day!

  3. Barbara, We've always like O'Keeffe's work. You could almost feel her presence when we visited Taos and Santa Fe a few years back. She lived a long life, from 1887 until 1986. She was 98. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  4. And we saw signs to a Georgia O'Keeffe exhibition in Kilmarnock today as we drove through.....must try and get to see that!

  5. I quite like her work, a saw a play about her life here in Ottawa back in 2000 or so!

  6. This is an artist whose work I have always admired and when I use note cards sith some of her paintings, I am reminded every time.


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