Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, July 26, 2021

Morning notes

Back to doing morning walks. 9:30 am, 75 degrees F and hazy/muggy, but some breeze helped me up the hill. Up to the entrance to the parking lot, then look at the flowers planted by the first 4 apartments...but not to take their photos today. Then the wonderful surprise nature gave me on the way down the hill.

I heard them first. 8 lovely Canada Geese honking as they fly, coming over the trees. Then their shadows cast across the driveway before they flew in formation across the sky...and then the bit of moisture that hit my forehead after they'd passed. Fortunately it was just moisture, not poop. Thanks guys. Good to see you too!

Basil is on it's way out. So I've clipped the tops about 6 inches, and am trying to root them in water inside.

The volunteer Four O'Clocks have survived the Japanese Beetles, and one (the tall one on the left) is beginning to bloom. The original seed pack said they had a good scent, but somehow I've never been able to pick it up. Today I didn't even smell the marigolds.

As I took a few pictures of my own porch flowers, I heard sirens in the distance. I went inside, then realized the firetruck had come up the driveway where I'd just walked. Did I miss the ambulance? They always come together, though most of our calls are for the Medical team rather than fires. Ah, there comes the ambulance. I didn't wait around to see where the EMT's went. 

I gladly came inside to my lower humidity air conditioned kitchen and fixed my breakfast of granola and blue berries with rice milk, and my second cup of coffee (this week with just honey it it.) I'm trying to wean myself from milk products, and sugar is not good for me, but I can't do coffee black.

So I've made a start. Of "Just Do It."


  1. Hello,
    The flowers are pretty. I had trouble growing basil, not sure why. It has been hot and humid for walks outdoors. I hope the moisture was not from the geese. I like using the buckwheat honey in my coffee. Take care, have a great new week!

    1. I've got local wildflower honey...which I like, never heard of buckwheat honey! I get a little pot of basil at the grocery store, then transplant it to a larger pot. But at a certain stage, the stems all get woody, and that's when it's about to die. So we shall see if any of the tops root to become second editions.

  2. ...it looks like you have a lot of nice shade for a hot summer day.

  3. Is your coffee instant? That is generally more bitter. We stick to organic ground coffee..no milk or sugar, just a Long Black..stronger than an Americano. Don't make it weak, that will make it more bitter..follow the Kiwi habit of a jug of hot water on the side to water it down.

    There is something about flying geese or swans....

    1. Oh, I have a drip machine that makes 12 cups, but if I use mugs, that's 2 a day for 2 days. I also can make espresso, and usually grind the beans for that...and make Americanos...but I really like them with cream and sugar, so haven't been doing that. My dietary goal is reducing the amount of oil I consume...as well as calories, but I don't count them.

  4. That's an interesting story about the geese and the sudden drops of wetness. Mmmm? I wonder if maybe it was some drops of lovely lake water on their wings after they had just taken off. I like that story better. LOL!
    I'm not sure about sugar substitutes but my sister-in-law uses Stevia and likes it. Here's what the internet says about it:
    Stevia is a natural sweetener linked to numerous benefits, including lower blood sugar levels. While refined extracts are considered safe, research on whole-leaf and raw products is lacking. When used in moderation, stevia is associated with few side effects and can be a great substitute for refined sugar.

    1. I've tried Stevia when visiting other people, and don't like the aftertaste that it has. Otherwise...thanks anyway.

  5. I think I see alternatives to coffee cream, but I've never tried them, and I don't suppose they are exactly good for what ails you. (By you I mean anyone.)

    1. Yep, I was using non-fat half and half, but it had sweeteners in it. The artificial creamers taste like plastic to me. So maybe a bit of honey will do for now.

  6. Barbara, It looks like you're doing a good job of maintaining your plantings... Our basil is still doing alright. When I hear an ambulance, I always check to ensure that it isn't coming for me! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Good thing to think about. I'm going to make some pesto soon with the rest of the leaves as well as those I froze. Just found an oil free recipe for Pesto.

  7. I often hear fire trucks- one's passed by as I write this- but that's to be expected as there is a fire hall a few blocks away from home.

    1. I live up the hill about 2 blocks from a major highway (not the Interstate, which is another 6 blocks away). So many of the emergency vehicles go by to any calls west of town. It gets to be almost one of the invisible noises. With windows closed for AC now, I don't even hear any trains going by. (Tracks are right by the major highway.)


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