Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Muddy lake walk

 Photos in reverse order again...

The lake is being drained so some work can be done on the stream which feeds the lake.

Today's quote:

Autumnal sun streams through
these yellow maple leaves
translucent as stained glass.

The ground beneath my feet
is strewn with pine cones, acorns.
The random pattern of continuance.

Etched columns of pine and oak.
Incense of resin and fungi.
Great glacial stones for altars.

High winds and choirs of
minor breezes, the whispering hush.
It is the Sabbath. It is enough.

Dolores Stewart
from The Nature of Things

from blogger, Beyond the Fields we Know


  1. ...not bad for something called muddy!

    1. It's really Lake Tomahawk...being drained. Definitely with a muddy bottom!

  2. Hello,
    Pretty flowers and views. The muddy lake may attract some different birds. Take care, enjoy your day. Have a great new week!

    1. Yes, the usual Canada Geese have not been around...and only a few of the Mallards. We have one Heron that seems to be there early in the day, then goes somewhere else when more people walk their dogs. I dare say the remaining pool of water was rich with fish for a few days.

  3. Pretty and interesting, no matter the order.

    1. Thanks...I've got more photos from that walk. One of these days I'll walk here without stopping...and there won't be additional photos!

  4. Was that your name for the lake or was it really called Muddy Lake?
    At least your photos were in reverse. When I load photos they get all mixed up in order. Aggravating.

    1. Ha ha, Marcia...no, it's really Lake Tomahawk. The work will be finished soon, and the drain valve closed up again...but we'll certainly have less fish for a while...and probably less ducks.

  5. A nice muddy lake walk! Lovely views.

    1. It is amazing how much beauty is all around us, even when a lake is being drained!

  6. Wonderful photos! I love views of trees and water.

  7. At first I was thinking that the lake was pretty low but then I saw you mentioned it was being drained. I never seen a lake being drained before. I wonder how the fish will like it when it's done and they come back. Where do the fish go when this happens?

  8. Lovely poem. I remember when they drained Beaver Lake. Kinda yucky but necessry.


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