Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Here she comes...the autumn magical fairy

If Jack Frost can make the pumpkins get ripe...he also may influence all the wonderful colors in Autumn. We've passed the equinox back on the 22nd. And I've been looking for colors. But I decided that credit should be due to a magical fairy who might fly about and touch trees with color.

Whoever is doing it, they are early in these parts.

Goldenrod is having a great year, everywhere I went.

Oh, you noticed this isn't goldenrod. I don't know its name however...

The bradford pear is starting to turn, and my car usually is parked a spot away from the one in this photo.

The north side of a kind of maple has these deep red leaves...or maybe I''m wrong about it being a maple.

Bank parking lot in downtown Black Mountain usually has some pretty colors, and one tree is ahead of the other!

I live on the north side of these trees, and I think the colors start on the south side - maybe.

A bit of sunshining through the trees, points out the presence of yellow leaves, which I don't see usually from my window.

The view from my balcony, or living room windows, now shows some mountain blue through the maple trees, which are loosing leaves pretty fast these days!



  1. ...the fairies are busy this time of year.

  2. It is coming along nicely down there.

  3. Hello,
    You have a pretty view from your balcony. I look forward to the falls colors, it is a little slow around here.
    Pretty colors, trees and photos. Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. Nice photos of the changing colors there. Lovely view from your balcony.

  5. You have many beautiful trees around you. Your leaf color changing progress looks similar to what's going on here. We tend to have a lot of yellow though, some red/orange on ornamental maples and LOTS of green. :)

  6. The autumn colours are starting to look good in your area. Not too much sign of it here yet - we need a little of that Jack Frost, but all we are getting is rain and wind with occasional breaks for dry weather.

  7. Beautiful autumn colours.
    Our golden rod has just about finished

  8. Beautiful scenes! Yes, the maples do that, show-offs that they are!


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