Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, April 11, 2020

No Flat Creek Walk

 I don't go on the trail that leads up up up to a lookout. I just walk a nice level (mostly) one along the creek usually. But not now!

So I decided to wander around in my car. Much less exercise. But I could see the pretty trees in bloom. And I may have worn my mask, mainly to avoid the pollen!

Quote to consider:
The inescapable suggestion is that reality has both local and nonlocal aspects; that there exists a more fundamental level than our macroscopic world, which corresponds to Heisenberg’s potentia, Bohm’s implicate order, Seth’s Framework 2, and the world of light outside Plato’s cave.

All of these denote the timeless level of reality, the world of the wave function before collapse – the level from which, through the act of observation, our three-dimensional world is created. 

—Norman Friedman The Hidden Dimension


  1. ...I have a long driveway and I walk up and down it.

  2. Same here now. Mind you, we are not missing blossom time yet. That is still a month or more away.

    1. I'm glad spring started about a month ago here. I was so tired of grey and brown out there. Good luck, you must have more patience than I do!

  3. Hello, the blooming trees are lovely. A car ride sounds nice! Enjoy your day, wishing you a Happy Easter!

  4. Glad you're still able to get out and about a bit. We're still allowed to walk footpaths in our local area, though I avoid some since they are too narrow to pass anyone coming in the opposite direction with a safe distance.

  5. We have a few trails behind our apartment that extend down to the water. It's pretty and there is not many people down there at least when we were.
    Wishing you a Happy Easter!

    1. Good for you. I have some boring places to walk, but tonight (Sun) there will be storms coming through. Maybe tomorrow I can try wearing my mask and stretching my legs again.

  6. Seems you have more restrictions then we have in Sweden. We can go outdoors as we please as long as we keep distance to others. So, I mostly live as I usually do. Just careful among people. You seem to have a great place with beautiful areas to visit.

    Take care and stay safe.

    1. I have seen most people wearing masks, both outside in my neighborhood, as well as at the local pharmacy yesterday.

  7. I have a new small red bud that I am anxious to see in bloom. I won't live long enough to see anything as big as the one in your photo. I walked around my house and took photos. It was nice to get out. We turned very cold with sleet this afternoon.


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