Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, February 15, 2019

Walking around window shopping

One of my favorite activities, whether in a mall or along a street.

 In good weather, you can find a moose sitting outside the door of this fun store in Black Mountain NC.

Cherry Street Kids was a location for many gifts for grandchildren...until they became teens and young adults!

Lincoln Nebraska, 1942...groceries or coffee to the far right?

When my shopping walk is over, this is a favorite place to stop and drink some coffee...and my choice is usually an espresso called an Americano.

And what's on the other side of those windows? Well well well.  Here's some of my pottery for sale at The Depot Gallery here by the tracks.  I dare say there's a bit of a rattle to it when a train goes by!

Sharing with Sepia Saturday this week Here.


  1. Some great shop windows and I could be tempted inside!

  2. These storefront photos are great, Barb -- and what a nice surprise to see some of your pottery on display as well! That has to be a great location for sales.

  3. Sue - every time I have guests that want to see Black Mountain, we spend a couple of hours looking in the many shops here.
    Molly - thanks for liking these photos including some of my pottery. I wish more tourists were around these days, but sales are kind of slow at this time of year.

  4. At Smith Mountain Lake, there is a restaurant called Moosies that has a moose outside its doors. I enjoyed window shopping, especially seeing your beautiful pottery. One of my favorite things to do on vacation is to scope out local shops that sell local arts and crafts.

  5. Hi Wendy...there's a Moose Cafe' in Asheville that is very popular. They also have the contract to fix the senior meals that are provided by the Council on Aging at the Lakeview center here in Black Mountain at low cost.

  6. Very cool storefront windows. Nice place for a stroll around town. I love seeing your pottery. Beautiful.

  7. What a nice display of your pottery!

  8. Robin, thanks. I enjoy living here very much. A blend of natural opportunities and a small civic area.
    Vicki, thanks for stopping by almost daily with a positive comment. This photo was taken before I brought even more pieces in and now the shelves are crammed, waiting for the right person to take something home!

  9. Your pottery is beautiful. I love the shop displays and windows.

  10. Dressing a store window takes time and talent to do well. The best small shops create a variety of displays that always make customers look.

    That book I recommended is titled: Heirs of the Founders by H. W. Brands.

  11. Cherry Street Kids looks like my kind of store, but I'd be tempted by your pottery too!

  12. What fun window shopping through your window shopping post. All were so interesting, but I have to say my favorite was your pottery display. Look at those mini-quilts in the bowl...I'm a quilter! Another commonality...as a 'Jack of All Trades Artist' I once made lots of pottery...mostly functional stoneware. Loved seeing your pieces..lovely glazes.

  13. I used to love to 'window shop', and we can still do a bit of that in the small town where I live - especially up and down the old original highway through town lined with antique shops - their windows displaying everything from the 1800s to the 1950s, '60s, & '70s. Gads! The latter are things from MY day, for heaven's sake. Makes me feel kind'a old.

  14. Window shopping can be great entertainment! Loved seeing your beautiful pieces.


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