Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, December 3, 2018

Finally putting my feet up!

What a day...
unloaded the pots, went to a harp concert, moved my furniture changed around to include a new shelving unit, which will help a lot... (thanks, Russ)
just watched the Concert for George Harrison on PBS, how very lovely.

Just checked the stats on my various blogs...oh la la.  Some 10,000 on one, 2000 on one, only a few less on another.  A couple of these were posted to Facebook.

That's what happens when I post my blog to FB.  I think I may not do it any more.  And I removed the blog that triggered all those hits.  Sorry son, your engagement was interesting to too many strangers!

I do have some control, only about when comments are posted...so I'm moderating my comments again.  But how do I keep all those counts from coming into my blog, which aren't real people but what I call hackers.  They don't care a whit about me or my blog.  And maybe they aren't even just hits, but trying to get my information.  I don't know.  I worry about it.

Any suggestions?


  1. Hope you had a successful weekend selling your pottery!
    I asked my husband about all those hits you got on the blog post you posted to FB. He said it was probably "Bots". How strange!

  2. Yes, it was a great fun weekend. Glad to learn about bots, which I looked up on Wikipedia. I tried using comment moderation, but bogger is SO SLOW to bring anything up that way, I'm back on open commenting (at least on the current blog.) Thanks for stopping by!


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