Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Feeling klutzy

Before coffee, I proceeded to spill the whole container on the floor, where of course it popped open and flung grounds all over.  Before coffee I found broom and dust pan and cleaned up the mess.  Before coffee I managed to pour water into the proper place, and put a tiny paper filter in it's place, and measure some grounds, then close it all and turn on the power.

After coffee, I got out a yogurt and a banana.  A good start for a rainy day visiting my family.  Whew.  Everyone is mostly still asleep, except my d-in-law who rises early every day, but stays in her sanctuary to do her morning ritual.  We said good morning, and she left to go back upstairs.  I went back downstairs to do my morning ritual of breathing treatment and reading emails/blogs and facebook posts of friends (and not friends, where did some of these come from anyway?)

So what's going to happen today?  I'm waiting to have better weather and less traffic congestion before starting on the highways.  I'm also waiting to have advice from my family as to when/which way to go. They travel these roads in Ohio more than I do.

So far today has been less than auspicious.  If I had any fortune telling sources available, I'd figure it's a day to hunker down and clean up whatever mess needs attention.  After all, I started out the day that way!

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