Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, July 13, 2018

Some sepia toned images of children playing

From a childhood perspective...

Here the oldest girl is hanging from a trapeze while the other two girls are back to back on a shared ride, above the snow.

Sure, the boys are taking care of the baby in carriage, but also are off on an adventure...just look at those hats and staves, and an oldest one with something resembling a big gun slung over his shoulder.  But someone said to them, "line up and let me capture your image in this camera," and all of them did, though the dog wasn't particularly still and got a bit blurred.  But Junior in the carriage wasn't ready to fall out, just wanted the dog to come lick his sticky fingers!

So that's the inspiration I got from our prompt this week over at Sepia Saturday.

And so I look at some photos of my grandchildren playing...perhaps not quite as adventurous. These girls are daughters of my middle son.

A visit a few years ago - that's the youngest child playing baby in a manger (really, that's a little girl, not a doll) and her big sisters seem to enjoy posing as visitors from the East (it was Christmas time.)

Same baby girl was happy to go on her swing when a bit of snow hit the ground.  Just look at that hat!

This young man (my youngest son) in Indian Peaks Wilderness, likes to make photos more interesting by posing.

My oldest son and his daughter (quite a few years ago) overlooking some Theme Park or another.

I admit I "sepia-toned" these photos of children having a good time, even those who are young at heart!  I hope you have a good time too today!

Today's Quote:
Gratitude is exultation awaiting between the cracks of normalcy.  Frederic Potter


  1. Nice! I love sepia photos. So nice: the girl in the snow.

  2. All neat pictures of children and young people enjoying themselves and I like the Sepia look to them, too. :)

  3. Trapeze in the snow? Very impressive! I was raised in snow country, and as kids we traded the swing set for sleds in the winter. Nice set of sepia photos.

  4. Your granddaughter really looks like a doll in that basket! Lovely photos all.

  5. I like the pictures on the swings. Kids can always figure out how to have fun.

  6. Very cute kids with lovely smiles.

  7. Thanks for stopping by and making comments...I am off looking at all of the posts over on Sepia Saturday, and will see you there now!

  8. A wonderful mix. The reverse up/down playground and basket photos have real artistic quality especially in sepia tone.


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