Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Marching Forth

I did go marching forth for March fourth...if you count being out and about today in the 70's...yes, that's not a typo.

First I had a really good session with my physical therapist, who said I'm making good progress with the frozen shoulder.  He helped me do some new exercises, then measured my range of motion with my right arm.  I keep thinking it will probably be able to move more freely than my left, so I sneak some exercises (at home) with my left as well.

Then I came home, and noticed the laundry room (unheated) was much colder than right outside the door.

So I opened said door, and window, then took most of the clothes (except the unmentionables, which still get dried in private) and hung them out in the sun on a clothesline.  Yes, I strung one outside last year, and seldom use it.  I want to do so more often, especially when I see my electric bill.

Panther enjoying fresh air and sunshine
Then I opened the windows in the living room, and the 2 cats argued over who was going to sit where.  It was sunny and warm and breezy.

Muffin preferred the softness of an afgan
Next I pulled a rake out and got some of the matted oak leaves off the flower bed where I knew some crocus and daffodils used to be.  There were a few little green things maybe going to become flowers.  But I also pulled a lot of the viney stems that were dead mint plants off that area.  Some of them were too permanent and woody to remove.

Maybe spring plants, maybe not.

So by then I decided to invite my friend to have coffee and brownies while sitting outside watching whatever was happening...and I brought out my 2 nice patio chairs which have cushions...and a straight chair to pretend to be our little table.  All the tables are too busy with other things.
We enjoyed sitting and talking, while a stiff breeze kept us nicely aerated.  All this while the sun brightly shown on one neighbor who decided to take his shirt off to "catch some rays."
But at dinner time my friend left, and I packed up the furniture to bring inside, because rain was forecast, and then by tomorrow night, a freeze again.  I even remembered to bring the clothes in off the line.
The large bunch of daffodils

This renegade daffodil bunch is now potted inside.

I even tucked the oak leaves back around the baby plants.  But I did dig one clump of daffodils up and put it into a planter which came inside with me.

I'd say I definitely marched forth for the fourth of March, wouldn't you?  Did you too?

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