Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, December 4, 2014


Cowboys or cowgirls...

OK- this is the time I'll finally crop and save these photos so you can see them more clearly!

The theme for Sepia Saturday this week includes something to do with cowboys.  Come on over, pahd-ner, and see what others have been thinking about (down at the bottom after you get to Sepia Saturday, click on anyone's name to see their posts)  HERE

Too bad this is in B & W, because my cowgirl outfit is red with white fringe.  La la!
This may have been the only time we were allowed near the dam, for fear of being non-swimmers and taking a plunge.
We visited my great aunt's ranch somewhere in Texas.  Since the date my sister came up for the photos says I'm 10, I'll go along with it.  We came from St. Louis, MO to San Antonio, TX by train, then drove however far it was to this "ranch."  Our Great Aunt Dorothy Buchanan lived there.

I don't know if any part of it was a working ranch, besides the nice cool inside, and the scary dam with the river...which we couldn't play around.  I wish I had been befriended by someone who actually liked the outdoors, but all I remember is being inside where grownups had cocktails and played lots of cards.  Missed opportunities...

Oh, the other thing having to do with cowboys in my life is my own contact with Roy Rogers.  Since my name is also Rogers, when I went to the one and only rodeo I ever attended to see him, I yelled out, "I'm a Rogers too," when he was going around shaking hands.  Guess I just wanted some recognition.  His horse, as well as Dale Evans' horse, was so smart!  So was I.  But not as well trained.

Lynne Roberts and Roy Rogers in Billy the Kid Returns, 1938
Roy Rogers (born Leonard Slye)


  1. I never saw Roy Rogers in person, but I have a signed photo of him with me in my cowgirl outfit--combined in Photoshop.
    See it here: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_MOYA2WwtOq0/S47qRQXaXrI/AAAAAAAABhk/BFHeFV6aiHY/s1600/myheroes.jpg

  2. So really you didn't have a surname in common with the actor/singer at all, but Roy Rogers was a muchy more catchy moniker than his real name.

  3. Sorry you didn't get to experience the great outdoors at the ranch. My cow girl outfit looked similar. Unfortunately, nobody took a photo of me in it.

  4. My cowboy hero, when I was young, was the Lone Ranger. The adulation wore off, however, when I saw a picture of him later on without his costume. A big disappointment.

  5. My heroes have all lost their glamor also. I am happy to report that I have a Rogers cousin who really does know horses and her granddaughter does rodeos!

  6. Now there’s a twist on the theme - a cowgirl, instead of the inevitable cowboy. I’d love to have seen your outfit in colour.

  7. I had an outfit, too -- and it even had a gun...yikes! I probably wouldn't want my kids to have guns today.

  8. That looks like a fine cowgirl outfit you had!

  9. My cousin had a cowgirl outfit but I never did. I would have wanted one like yours.

  10. Not too often you see pictures of "cowgirls", very pretty.

  11. Roy Rogers was the third cowboy I remember from Saturday morning films along with Hopalong Cassidy and Gene Autry.

  12. The ranch and its surrounds looks very beautiful. You were very lucky to be able to visit such a spot.

  13. Wonderful photos! I remember watching Roy Rogers and Dale Evans on television when I was a child but I don't believe I ever had a cowgirl outfit! Darn!

  14. Oh Teresa you just reminded me, I saw cowboy movies on the Saturday matinee' double features waaay before we got our first TV...then I saw those shows also. It was probably 2-3 years after these pictures were taken.

  15. I too loved Roy Rogers and his horse Trigger & Dale too. Yes too bad there were not color photos then to show off your red suit with fringe too! How lucky you were

  16. That ranch looks very inviting and the area around the dam too.


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