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Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, September 5, 2014

Kids in hats...

This week I'll skip the hurdy gurdy man, mainly because I have no photos like it, nor monkey, though lots of my relatives might qualify.

Let's go with kids in hats for my sharing on Sepia Saturday this week.  Click here for more fun answers to this prompt.

One of the photos of my mother and her younger cousins, Patsy Jean and Robert Rogers...1934.  San Antonio, Texas.

More cousins, this time my own; Chris, her dad James, Patricia, and mom, Dorothy Rogers.  Hats were to keep warm for these Wisconsin cousins. Christmas visit 1953.

I was sooo in love with my tiny piano, which I'm sure I drove everyone crazy listening to my rendition of 3 year old virtuoso.

And everyone knows what fun it is to keep a hat on a baby.  Here's my mother, whose baby pictures resemble my sister a lot.  1917

My little sister (just an aside, looks so much like my mom when she was a baby) 1946.

My grandmother, Ada Rogers (Gummy)  holding baby Mary, and I'm wearing some kind of floppy bonnet, Feb 1946.  I'm sure my grandmother knitted all of Mary's outfits and blankets.

Bright red wool skirts and tams, with hand embroidered blouses ...all my mother's relatives.  Skirts and hats by grandmother (Mom's mom was a seamstress) and the blouses by Aunts Alice and Gertie Attaway (2nd cousins perhaps) but one of them was the first woman dentist in Texas.  This was not 1950, as we were no longer in Houston by then, but probably 1949.

Later in the winter of St. Louis, these hats aren't too clear, but I'm pretty sure they were just Navy knit things, called tobaggans at one point, which matched our Navy Pea coats.

Our Easter Outfits always included a hat, and of course a basket for an egg hunt and candy (what would life have been like without chocolate bunnies?)  Notice my sister has on her white gloves!

And how about my sons?
Tai wouldn't really like this hat any more, but this was taken before he became disillusioned by theme parks. (Yes he was a bit old for that stroller, but when he got tired of walking, you bet he appreciated it!)

Many a happy kid's face is shielded by a baseball hat!


  1. A great selection of hats, and you’re absolutely right, the resemblance between your mother and sister as babies is remarkable.

  2. I would never have thought of kids in hats, but I'm glad you did because you have some cute pictures!

  3. That is a remarkable resemblance between your Mom's & sister's baby pictures. Did your sister continue to look like your Mom as she grew up, I wonder? Cute pix of kids in hats. Nice take on the theme.

  4. I'm glad none of your children in hats were crying. I was a baby in Aug. of 1946.

  5. My favorite photo is of Robert Rogers - what a cool hat. I also liked the one of you with the mini piano. Very cute hat.
    Ladies of the Grove

  6. I, too, was a baby in 1946 -- good year for babies, good year for hats!

  7. A nice variety of hats. I just realized that my favorite photos of myself as a young child show me wearing a hat.

  8. We had to wear a cap at the school I went to, For years after I only wore a cricket cap, and a beret when in the Army. Now it's a baseball cap (golf hat) to keep my head warm or to protect my bald head from the sun.
    So few people wear hats these days unless it's a special occasion like a wedding.

  9. A great collection,
    but quite frankly,
    you and that piano steals the show!!

  10. I remember wearing tamoshanters. I'm with Bruno - the one of you on the step with the piano is gorgeous.

  11. Love those tams. Very cute.

    Do you remember those nasty little hats that clamped onto your head? Popular in the 50s. It was like having a vice on your head. I specifically remember them at Easter. I was always happy when Easter Sunday was over so I could get the dang hat off.

  12. Don't you love how fashions change and hats along with them. Some cute photos there!


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