Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, June 6, 2014

Cemetery roving, part five

This week: headstones that remind me of the skeletal remains of ancestors that are lying below me...to taking care of animals.  That has been part of my life this week.  Also going with friends to new places, which is the joy of it all.

I left you last at Part 4, Mountain Veiw and Black Mountain Cemeteries, just a few hours ago.  Today I want to be sure to catch the opportunity to share on Sepia Saturday (HERE) while it's an open topic.  And at this point in my life, the cemeteries and animals are the highlights.  (Incidentally, I'm very grateful that I'm feeling well and able to take part in all these activities!)  Oh, animal notes are on my pottery blog today (HERE).

So back to Mountain View...

 These graves are near the Tabernacle Methodist Church, but I didn't go far enough to see when it became Mountain View. We were looking for the oldest grave.

Where had we heard of this family before?

Another southern family name.

Thomas Litteral served in the Confederate Army

Wiley Kanup, 1823-1895, Confederate States of America (CSA)
Sarah Walker, 1802-1847
 Sarah Walker's was the oldest headstone that had been legible yet.

I would need to get a different photo or a rubbing to be able to parse out this information

L. W. Daugherty, b 1818 (remainder not legible)
These combined cemeteries are on Hutchins Rd.

Taken through the windshield, and you can see the reflected sand dollar that is on my dashboard in lower right.
Sign on same corner, one of several about Mountain View
As we drove onto Hutchins Rd, this was the next sign we saw.
We next went to Patton Cemetery which looked to be the oldest we would see that day, however we don't know when several others were established yet.  Civil War veterans' markers would be seen there and in the next cemetery.


  1. Headstones tell interesting stories.

  2. I have not been cemetery roaming for ages - you have inspired me to take to the graveyards again.

  3. I love visiting old cemeteries and looking at all the different kinds of headstones and field markers.

    I have to chuckle at the sign for the Black Mountain cemetery. Really? Do people just bury someone without some kind of proper authority?? I assume it must be a historic place. ???

  4. Elvis are you out there! What an interesting post, great photos, and it's something I do as often as I can. So many stories in cemeteries waiting to be discovered. I'm going back to read your poem, thanks for the link. I like stretching my knowledge of bloggers to all their other likes and blogs as well!

  5. I lived just a couple of blocks away from a large beautiful cemetery when I was growing up. It was laid out ('scuse the pun) on a lawn-covered, wooded hillside & had a creek running through it with two large waterfalls. It was a lovely place to walk, but I don't remember stopping much to read the tombstones along the way. I guess maybe I should have.

  6. The last market almost looks like you could read it from the second angle. I wonder if playing with the light/shadow features in a photo editing program like Picasa would help you decipher the words on the unreadable stones. It looks like you had beautiful weather for your day out.

  7. I also like to wander through old cemeteries. I find the names most interesting because in some eras the surnames indicate very different nationalities from those one might expect today. Also there are often unusual first names that are not used in this century.

  8. It's great to see Sepians making comments here! Thanks to everyone! I'll try to get to all of your interesting diverse posts sometime soon, if I haven't already. I don't post where word verification is required. And I would have loved to comment on one post, but there wasn't a place to do so!

  9. After seeing your post it is time for an adventure.

  10. Such a worthwhile aactivity. Hopefully someday some far away googler will bless you for taking a photo of their ancestor's gravestone.

  11. I was wondering if playing with that hard to read headstone in photoshop or something could yield results. I had to restrain myself from doing it.

  12. I must admit I usually only visit cemeteries when searching for family tree members. When were last in the States we were most impressed with how neatly all the cemeteries and plots were kept, which is certainly not always the rule here in Australia.

  13. You’ve prompted a few confessions from Sepians about their graveyard wanderings - let’s hope none were after dark.


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