Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

More about Isaac Norman (1765-1828)

In yesterday's post, I spoke about finding that my great grandmother X6, Polly Norman Conn's father was actually 2 men, one of whom was her grandfather of the same name.  This information was arrived through the will of Joseph Norman mentioning his deceased son Isaac and his wife Sarah, as well as his grandson Isaac.

Somewhere in the ancestry .com pages, some other descendent has given this first son the name of Isaac Norman II.  I think that's because Joseph's father was yet another Isaac Norman.

So here's some dates in case there's still confusion. (generation numbers are increasing from my grandchildren as generation number 1)

(15) Isaac Norman ( 5 Oct 1682 - 7 Apr 1748)
(14) Joseph Norman (1708-16 Feb 1784)
(13) Isaac Norman II (1735 - 1776)
(12) Isaac Norman (25 Aug 1765 - 11 July 1828)
(11) Mary Margaret (Polly) Norman Conn (23 Mar 1792 - 13 Dec 1833) Here was her blog post.  

And a lot of information about Polly's father Isaac came from his will also.

So let's look at how much that tells us about him.  Here's the document's description as I found it on Ancestry.com

Here is an excerpt from Isaac Norman's will of April 1828 as transcribed by a family researcher:
"In the name of God amen I Isaac Norman of Spencer County State of Kentucky being weak in body but of sound sense and memory thanks be to God for his merces (sic) but call to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make this my last will and Testament that is to say principally and first of All I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of Allmighty God that gave it & my Body to the Earth to be buried in a decent like manner at the Discretion of my Executors not doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall Receive the same again by the mighty Power of god and as touching such worldly Estate Wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with this Life I give devise & dispose of the same in the following manner and forme (sic)—
First It is my desire that all my just debts be paid out of my Estate by my Executor who is herein after mentioned.
Second It is allso (sic) my desire that my wife Hannah Norman shall have five Hundred Dollars paid her to be raised out of my land goods ___? and one bed & furniture 
Third   It is my Desire that all I possess Land ___? To be sold at Publick (sic) vendue and five Hundred Dollars be paid to each of my Daughters if so much Can be Raised from the Proceeds of the above vendue after my wife fie (five?) hundred being paid her My Daughters are Esther Akers,  Polly Conn, Rebecca Shaw, Elizabeth Pound & Patsy Stout. 
{The following was marked through: and if my Property should be sold for anyone then} 
And if there should be a Remainder left after five hundred to Each as Named above then in that case the Remainder shall be Equally Divided Between Lemuel Norman, Abner Norman, James Norman & my five Daughters as named above.
I do hereby Appoint Abner Norman my Executor to have this my last will & Testament faithfully Executed.
And I do hereby disavow revoke & desannuel (sic) all and Every other former Testament Wills & Bequeaths Executor (sic) by me in any way before Named Wills & Bequeaths. Ratifying & Confirming this & no other to be my last will & Testament.
In testimony whereof I have Leveun (sic) to set my hand and seal this Eleventh day of April Eighteen hundred & twenty Eight."
Signed by the said Isaac Norman (signature & seal)
Isaac Norman in the Presents (sic) of us who in his Presents and Each other have subscribed our names as witnesses
Illegible J L Redman?Greenberry Simpson (his mark)Lucy Redman (his mark)
On the third page in different handwriting:
At a County Court held for Spencer County on Monday the 12th?? Day of July 1828. This writing purporting to be the last will and Testament of Isaac Norman deceased Was provided by the aathy? Of Joseph Redman and Greenberry Simpson two of the subscribing Witnesses thereto, and is ordered to be recorded. And on this motion of Abner Norman the Executor therein named, who made oath thereto, and together with James Beard, John Beard, Joseph Redman and Aaron Stout his security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penally?? of $6000: conditions as the Law directly Certificals is Granted him for obtaining a portal of the said will in due form.
Attested Ralph Lancaster Clk S. Cy.

And the way things come together in my research is pretty funny.  I entered this quoted material, which seems that the clerk of the court received the will the day after Isaac's death.  But the Ancestry materials had given his death as Sept 11, not July 11.  And like most of us, I just copied whatever it said, until reading through the document.

This will, the note by the county clerk, and the tombstone prove he died in July, not September.  Thus I've changed my records on Ancestry.

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