Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Can you breathe?

My doctor noticed a month ago that I hadn't had my COPD checked in quite a while, though I had another complaint when I visited her office.  But she thought lack of oxygen getting to my feet and hands might be related to my lungs.

So I paid my fees, walked out, and a week later nobody had set up a test that she said would be scheduled.  So I called and spoke to someone, who said the first available opening was in a month, but that happened to be in the 5 days that I would be out of town, so I had a month and a week before I could have the test.

I was reminded by a machine last Fri. to come to the office for this appointment.  This morning (Tues, 9 am) I showed up, signed in, and 5 minutes later was called.  (They use first names now, so that they don't go against HIPPA regulations, but it's really funny.)  The doctor's office is now owned and operated by Park Ridge Hospital.  And then ...

I was told I don't have a test scheduled today, they don't do these tests on Tues.  I asked why did I get a reminder then?  She said when I signed in was the first she knew that I was scheduled for a test.  I said I'd waited over a month and a week for this test that my doctor thought I needed.  I thought I really needed it with shortness of breath and coughing frequently in the last week...my lungs already hurt.  Which I told the nurse.  She said she'd call the doctor and see if I could be referred somewhere else.  WHAT?   I asked.  Their machine wasn't even working she said.  And my doctor was in Korea.  But she'd call her and get me referred somewhere else.

I was fit to be tied.

Rather than rant, I went and bought tropical fish.  I cleaned the tanks and changed their water.  I'm a fire sign by zodiacal reckoning, so water helps me calm down.  By the time I fixed my left over soup to sit and eat lunch in front of the tanks, I was able to digest just fine.  Not tied in knots at all.

1 comment:

  1. Follow up. Nobody had called me back by Thurs at 3, when my coughing had begun to really bother me. Not to mention that I still can't hold tools and use my fingers without cramping. So I called the Dr. office, and they will email my Dr. in Korea, who will be back Mon, and maybe then (there's no way she could give me any assurances) I will be scheduled for that breathing test. I may be dead before that test, not that it will even solve the problem! I'm pissed! If anyone ever reads this, there...I've told you!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.